Crimson Parcel 2016
Crimson Parcel 2016



Rarity stats



Alphid of Lecaciida

$ 0.00

Arnabus the Fairy Rabbit

$ 0.01

Blotto and Stick

$ 0.01


$ 0.08

Captain Bamboo

$ 0.01

Cluckles the Brave

$ 0.03

Coco the Courageous

$ 0.01


$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Kupu the Metamorpher

$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Nimble Ben

$ 0.01

Porcine Princess Penelope

$ 0.01

Prismatic Drake

$ 0.00

Ramnaught of Underwool

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

The Llama Llama

$ 0.00


$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Tory the Sky Guardian

$ 0.00

Waldi the Faithful

$ 0.01

Yonex's Rage

$ 0.01

Blades of Voth Domosh

$ 34.38

Fiery Soul of the Slayer

$ 33.26

Demon Eater

$ 22.59

Swine of the Sunken Galley

$ 23.56

Fractal Horns of Inner Abysm

$ 27.25

Cloak of the Demonic Vessel

$ 0.02

Cloak of the Resentful Spectre

$ 0.01

Compendium Rider of Avarice Cape

$ 0.01

Compendium Rider of Avarice Shoulders

$ 0.00

Compendium Rider of Avarice Sword

$ 0.01

Hood of the Demonic Vessel

$ 0.02

Mistplates of Ruin

$ 0.01

Prey of the Demonic Vessel

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Cape

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Shoulders

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Sword

$ 0.01

Shoulderplates of Evil Spirit

$ 0.00

Winged Shroud of Ruin

$ 0.01

Assistant's Blades of Scientific Inquiry

$ 0.01

Experimentalist's Goggles

$ 0.00

Experimentalist's Unstable Flask

$ 0.01

Formed Alloy Apron

$ 0.01

Formed Alloy Flask

$ 0.01

Formed Alloy Goggles

$ 0.01

Formed Alloy Wristplates

$ 0.01

Ogre's Caustic Steel Bracers

$ 0.00

Toxic Siege Corrosive Flasks

$ 0.01

Toxic Siege Garb

$ 0.01

Toxic Siege Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Young Alchemist's Knot

$ 0.01

Armor of the Mage Slayer

$ 0.01

Armor of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.00

Belt of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.00

Belt of Yoskreth

$ 0.01

Bracer of the Mage Slayer

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Awakened

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Clergy Ascetic

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Shifting Sorcerer

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.00

Cloth of the Clergy Ascetic

$ 0.00

Crest of the Shifting Sorcerer

$ 0.01

Etched Crescent of Yoskreth - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Etched Crescent of Yoskreth

$ 0.01

Guard of the Clergy Ascetic

$ 0.01

Hair of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Leggings of the Awakened

$ 0.01

Skirt of the Mage Slayer

$ 0.01

Bloodmist Belt

$ 0.00

Bloodmist Helm

$ 0.01

Bloodmist Pauldrons

$ 0.00

Helm of the Red Conqueror

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Red Conqueror

$ 0.00

Red Mist Reaper's Belt

$ 0.01

Red Mist Reaper's Shawl

$ 0.01

Tassets of the Red Conqueror

$ 0.00

Firestarter Fuel Cannister

$ 0.01

Firestarter Gas Pump

$ 0.01

Flamestitched Suitings Wrap and Molotov

$ 0.01

Rough Rider's Tools

$ 0.01

Ancestral Axes of Karroch

$ 0.01

Ancestral Belt of Karroch

$ 0.01

Ancestral Bracers of Karroch

$ 0.01

Red Talon Belt

$ 0.00

Tribal Stone Vambrace

$ 0.00

Belt of the Blood Covenant

$ 0.00

Belt of the Scarlet Raven

$ 0.00

Bonehunter Belt

$ 0.00

Bonehunter Bracers

$ 0.01

Bonehunter Tuskguard

$ 0.00

Gallows Understudy Gauntlets

$ 0.00

Gallows Understudy Mantle

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Scarlet Raven

$ 0.01

Mantle of the Blood Covenant

$ 0.01

Necklace of Scarlet Raven

$ 0.00

Wraps of the Blood Covenant

$ 0.01

Armor of Distant Sands

$ 0.01

Armor of the Hunter

$ 0.00

Armor of the Twin Blades

$ 0.05

Backpack of the Twin Blades

$ 0.06

Blade of the Blood Stained Sands

$ 0.01

Bladed-Staff of the Reaper

$ 0.01

Creeper's Cruel Hook

$ 0.00

Creeper's Cruel Painsaw

$ 0.01

Creeper's Cruel Shuriken

$ 0.06

Makeshift Sword of the Reaper

$ 0.01

Master Assassin's Grim Cutter

$ 0.01

Master Assassin's Mancatcher

$ 0.01

Master Assassin's Shoulders

$ 0.01

Master Assassin's Shuriken

$ 0.01

Pack of the Blood Stained Sands

$ 0.01

Pads of the Blood Stained Sands

$ 0.00

Pistol Blade of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Second Disciple's Bastion

$ 0.00

Second Disciple's Satchel

$ 0.01

Shuriken of the Blood Stained Sands

$ 0.01

Shuriken of the Reaper

$ 0.01

Red Dragon Armor

$ 0.01

Red Dragon Barrel

$ 0.01

Emerald Frenzy Amulet

$ 0.01

Emerald Frenzy Glove

$ 0.01

Emerald Frenzy Helmet

$ 0.01

Heavy Barbed Arms

$ 0.00

Heavy Barbed Collar

$ 0.01

Crown of Perception

$ 0.01

Crown of the Brood Queen

$ 0.01

Legs of Perception

$ 0.01

Steelweb Cuirass

$ 0.01

Armguard of the Steppe

$ 0.00

Armor of Omexe

$ 0.01

Belt of Omexe

$ 0.01

Belt of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Belt of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Bracers Omexe

$ 0.01

Braided Tail of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Shields of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Sweep of the Steppe

$ 0.00

Tail of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Blade of Burning Turmoil

$ 0.02

Blade of Discord

$ 0.01

Dark Ruin Mantle

$ 0.01

Mantle of Burning Turmoil

$ 0.01

Mantle of Endless Havoc

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of Discord

$ 0.02

Shield of Burning Turmoil

$ 0.01

Armguards of the Penitent Nomad

$ 0.01

Desert Gale Arms

$ 0.01

Desert Gale Shoulder Plate

$ 0.00

Gemmed Bracers of the Priest Kings

$ 0.00

Gemmed Pauldrons of the Priest Kings

$ 0.01

Scarab Pendant of the Priest Kings

$ 0.00

Shoulderguards of the Penitent Nomad

$ 0.01

Wings of Obelis Arms

$ 0.01

Wings of Obelis Staff

$ 0.00

Compendium Scorched Fletcher Bow

$ 0.00

Compendium Scorched Fletcher Pauldrons

$ 0.00

Compendium Scorched Fletcher Quiver

$ 0.00

Dark Quiver of the Vandal

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Crypt Guardian

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Crypt Guardian

$ 0.00

Scorched Fletcher Bow

$ 0.01

Scorched Fletcher Pauldrons

$ 0.00

Scorched Fletcher Quiver

$ 0.01

Skeletal Claw of the Vandal

$ 0.01

Torn Guard of the Vandal

$ 0.01

Artisan of Havoc Rocket

$ 0.00

Battletrap Bullet Flare

$ 0.01

Mortar Forge Helm

$ 0.01

Mortar Forge Rocket Cannon

$ 0.00

Warcog Blaster Shell

$ 0.00

Warcog Body Armor

$ 0.00

Arctic Bracers of the North

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Crystalline Queen

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Frozen Feather

$ 0.01

Cuffs of the Crystalline Comet

$ 0.01

Frostiron Sorceress Cape

$ 0.01

Frostiron Sorceress Cuffs

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Frozen Feather

$ 0.01

Shawl of the Glacier Duster

$ 0.00

Shoulders of the North

$ 0.01

Ties of the Crystalline Comet

$ 0.00

Wraps of the Glacier Duster

$ 0.01

Collar of Command

$ 0.01

Greaves of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.00

Waistguard of Command

$ 0.01

Wraps of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.01

Band Of Summoning

$ 0.01

Fetish of the Father Spirits

$ 0.01

Shadow Flame Arms

$ 0.01

Shadow Flame Guards

$ 0.01

Augur's Belt

$ 0.00

Augur's Skirt

$ 0.00

Belts from the Gloom

$ 0.01

Cinch of the Mortal Coil

$ 0.01

Decorative Armor of the Bone Scryer

$ 0.01

Dress from the Gloom

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom Scarf

$ 0.01

Foreteller's Drapes

$ 0.01

Foreteller's Garment

$ 0.01

Ghastly Scarf of the Corpse Maiden

$ 0.00

Mourning Mother's Dress

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Scarf

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Veil

$ 0.01

Outland Witch's Sash

$ 0.00

Outland Witch's Tatters

$ 0.01

Scarf of the Bone Scryer

$ 0.00

Scarf of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Armplates of the Thunder Ram

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Stormlands

$ 0.00

Chitin Shoulder Guard

$ 0.00

Guirus Arm Guards

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Thunder Ram

$ 0.01

Shoulder of the Stormlands

$ 0.00

Shoulders of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Storm Rider's Bracer

$ 0.01

Bracers of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.01

Demon Blade of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.00

Demonhide Girdle of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.01

Infernal Pauldrons of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.00

Pauldrons of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.00

Runed Bracers of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.01

Tassets of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Drake

$ 0.01

Cape of the Drake

$ 0.01

Crimson Wyvern Bracers

$ 0.01

Crimson Wyvern Skirt

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of Ascension

$ 0.01

Shield of Ascension

$ 0.01

Shield of the Drake

$ 0.01

Sword of the Drake

$ 0.01

Boots of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Boots of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Boots of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.01

Cape of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Cloak of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.01

Death Shadow Boots

$ 0.01

Death Shadow Bow

$ 0.00

Death Shadow Bracers

$ 0.01

Death Shadow Quiver

$ 0.00

Gauntlets of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.01

Jewel of the Forest Boots

$ 0.01

Jewel of the Forest Gloves

$ 0.01

Legplates of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.01

Mantle of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Pelt of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.00

Sylvan Guard's Cuffs

$ 0.01

Sylvan Guard's Quiver

$ 0.01

Necklace of the Demon Stone

$ 0.01

Plated Bracers of the Demon Stone

$ 0.01

Vanquishing Demons Earthforce

$ 0.01

Vanquishing Demons Geomagnetic Arm Guard

$ 0.01

Vanquishing Demons Ritual Headgear

$ 0.01

Arms of Deep Magma

$ 0.01

Belt of Deep Magma

$ 0.01

Belt of the Forest Hermit

$ 0.00

Golden Reel Guardian Arms

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Forest Hermit

$ 0.00

Stoneshard Belt

$ 0.01

Stoneshard Bracers

$ 0.00

Stoneshard Crown

$ 0.01

Armor of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Shield of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Bracers

$ 0.00

Worldforger's Shoulders

$ 0.00

Arm Guards of Prosperity

$ 0.00

Mentor of the High Plains Guard

$ 0.01

Mentor of the High Plains Left Tiger Hook

$ 0.05

Orbs of Blaze Armor

$ 0.02

Pauldrons of Blaze Armor

$ 0.02

Robes of Blaze Armor

$ 0.04

Araceae's Tribute Bracelets

$ 0.00

Araceae's Tribute Skirt

$ 0.00

Bangles of the Wildwing's Blessing

$ 0.01

Necklace of the Wildwing's Blessing

$ 0.01

Summer's Light

$ 0.00

Summer's Warmth

$ 0.00

Belt of Claszureme

$ 0.01

Bracers of Claszureme

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Tentacular Timelord

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Helm of Claszureme

$ 0.00

Mace of the Tentacular Timelord

$ 0.00

Shoulders of Claszureme

$ 0.01

Viridus Leggings

$ 0.01

Sky-High Warship Bomb

$ 0.01

Sky-High Warship Propeller

$ 0.01

Obsidian Blade Bracers

$ 0.01

Obsidian Blade Pauldron

$ 0.01

Obsidian Blade Spear

$ 0.00

Arcane Fist

$ 0.01

Belt of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Belt of the Arsenal Magus

$ 0.01

Bracers of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Dark Magic

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Eastern Range

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Arsenal Magus

$ 0.01

Iceforged Bracers

$ 0.00

Pads of the Eastern Range

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Dark Magic

$ 0.01

Armour of the Exiled Ronin

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Gwimyeon Warrior

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Wandering Demon

$ 0.00

Faulds of the Wandering Demon

$ 0.01

Gloves of the Bladesrunner

$ 0.02

Juljae Sword

$ 0.01

Kataginu of a Thousand Faces

$ 0.02

Pantaloons of the Bladekeeper

$ 0.25

Prayer Beads of the Bladekeeper

$ 0.07

Shoulders of the Bladesrunner

$ 0.19

Sturdy Bracers of the Exiled Ronin

$ 0.01

Wraps of a Thousand Faces

$ 0.02

Empowered Skirt of the Gods

$ 0.01

Hood of the Northlight

$ 0.01

Robes of the First Light

$ 0.01

Spiral Staff of the First Light

$ 0.00

Admiral's Foraged Cap

$ 0.01

Admiral's Salty Shawl

$ 0.01

Admiral's Stash

$ 0.00

Black Boots of the Voyager

$ 0.02

Button Down of the Voyager

$ 0.01

Claddish Voyager's Chestplate

$ 0.00

Claddish Voyager's Gloves

$ 0.01

Claddish Voyager's Second Chance

$ 0.00

Claddish Voyager's Treads

$ 0.01

Commodore's Bicorne

$ 0.00

Commodore's Curtains

$ 0.01

Commodore's Gaiters

$ 0.01

Commodore's Puffy Cuffs

$ 0.01

Cuffs of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.04

Gloves of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.00

Green Sleeves of the Voyager

$ 0.01

Sabatons of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.01

Sash of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.01

Ye Olde Pipe

$ 0.02

Armlet of the Dragon Guard

$ 0.00

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Bracers

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Shoulders

$ 0.01

Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Bracers

$ 0.00

Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Shoulders

$ 0.00

Halberd of the Equine Emissary

$ 0.01

Helm of the Equine Emissary

$ 0.01

Immortals Pride Bracers

$ 0.01

Immortals Pride Flags

$ 0.01

Immortals Pride Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Scales of the Dragon Guard

$ 0.01

Stonehall Royal Guard Arms

$ 0.01

Tail of Twisted Wisdom

$ 0.00

Vines of Twisted Wisdom

$ 0.00

Bracers of Eldritch Ice

$ 0.01

Dead Winter Grasp

$ 0.01

Frozen Emperor's Cursed Belt

$ 0.01

Frozen Emperor's Guardian Lion

$ 0.01

Frozen Emperor's Runed Bracers

$ 0.01

Mantle of the Black Pool

$ 0.01

Spikes of the Black Pool

$ 0.03

Belt of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.01

Compendium Belt of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.01

Arc of the Solar Divine

$ 0.00

Bright Moon Mokdori

$ 0.01

Bright Moon Somae

$ 0.01

Epaulettes of the Scorching Princess

$ 0.00

Everlasting Belt

$ 0.00

Gauntlets of the Dragonfire

$ 0.01

Heirloom of the Charred Bloodline

$ 0.01

Sleeves of the Charred Bloodline

$ 0.01

Sleeves of the Scorching Princess

$ 0.01

Sleeves of the Solar Divine

$ 0.01

Style of the Charred Bloodline

$ 0.00

Vambraces of the Battle Caster

$ 0.01

Wings of the Ember Crane

$ 0.00

Cowl of the Malignant Corruption

$ 0.01

Epaulets of Hell's Ambassador

$ 0.01

Infernal Wings Flare

$ 0.01

Scepter of the Sable Void

$ 0.01

Shards of the Malignant Corruption

$ 0.00

Skins of the Incubus

$ 0.00

Bracers of The Iron Claw

$ 0.00

Braces of the Atniw

$ 0.01

Claw of the Wolf Hunter

$ 0.00

Cloak of the Haruspex

$ 0.01

Golden Scythe of The Iron Claw

$ 0.01

Hook of the Atniw

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Wolf Hunter

$ 0.01

Robe of the Atniw

$ 0.00

Shoulder of the Atniw

$ 0.01

Vestments of The Iron Claw

$ 0.01

Compendium Umbra Rider Shield

$ 0.01

Compendium Umbra Rider Weapon

$ 0.00

Epaulets of the Lucent Rider

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.00

Pauldrons of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.01

Starrider of the Crescent Steel Helmet

$ 0.01

Starrider of the Crescent Steel Shoulders

$ 0.01

Style of the Lucent Rider

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Shield

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Weapon

$ 0.01

Avatar of the Hunter of Kings

$ 0.01

Royal Cape of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Sanguine Moon Belt

$ 0.01

Sigil Belt of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Trail of the Hunter of Kings

$ 0.01

Belt of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Magnoceri

$ 0.01

Horn of the Magnoceri

$ 0.01

Strength Horn of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Bracers of Forsaken Beauty

$ 0.01

Bone Ruin Excavator Pack

$ 0.01

Riftshadow Roamer's Grabbin' Wraps

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Moon Rider

$ 0.00

Crescent Bracers

$ 0.01

Crescent Quiver

$ 0.01

Crescent Shoulder

$ 0.01

Heavenly Guardian Bracers

$ 0.01

Heavenly Guardian Crest

$ 0.01

Heavenly Guardian Locks

$ 0.00

Heavenly Guardian Skirt

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Bow

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Gloves

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Hood

$ 0.01

Starlight Armguards

$ 0.01

Starlight Finery

$ 0.01

Starlight Quiver

$ 0.01

Ancient Armor Arms

$ 0.01

Ancient Armor Breastplates

$ 0.01

Armlets of the Falling Comet

$ 0.01

Birot's Crests of Dignity

$ 0.00

Crests of the Falling Comet

$ 0.00

Crown of the Falling Comet

$ 0.00

Gift of the Sea Dorsal Wings

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Beads

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Crest

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Trails

$ 0.01

Bite of the Slithereen Knight - Off-Hand

$ 0.01

Might of the Slithereen Knight

$ 0.00

Beard of the Father

$ 0.01

Beard of the Woodland Outcast

$ 0.01

Drape of Bird's Stone

$ 0.00

Ironwood Arms of the Fungal Lord

$ 0.01

Mighty Horns of the Father

$ 0.01

Oak of the Woodland Outcast

$ 0.01

Petals of the Woodland Outcast

$ 0.01

Primeval Bracers

$ 0.00

Primeval Shoulder

$ 0.00

Staff of the Fungal Lord

$ 0.00

Wild Moss Beard of the Fungal Lord

$ 0.01

Wrist Guards of the Father

$ 0.01

Beard of Weeping Scorn

$ 0.00

Immemorial Emperor's Beard

$ 0.01

Shroud of Ka

$ 0.05

Vestments of the Ten Plagues Beard

$ 0.00

Preyfinders of the Predator

$ 0.01

Shadow Tracers

$ 0.00

Bracer and Band of Ancestral Luck

$ 0.00

Armlet of Renewed Faith

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Hierophant

$ 0.01

Chestplate of the Hierophant

$ 0.00

Coiffure of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.01

Heavy Pauldrons of the Hierophant

$ 0.01

Holy Words of the Hierophant

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.00

Armor of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.00

Heart of the Inauspicious Abyss

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Armor

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Helm

$ 0.01

Wings of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.00

Belt of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Cape of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Carreau's Deception

$ 0.01

Carreau's Honor

$ 0.00

Cloak of the Dark Wraith

$ 0.01

Dragonterror Belt

$ 0.01

Dragonterror Cape

$ 0.01

Girdle of the Dark Wraith

$ 0.01

Penumbral Crest

$ 0.01

Ancestors' Vambrace

$ 0.01

Belt of the Golden Mane

$ 0.01

Bindings of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.00

Buckler of the Bramble Lord

$ 0.01

Gauntlet of the Golden Mane

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter Oar

$ 0.01

Revered Bracers

$ 0.01

Revered Spear

$ 0.01

Revered Wrap

$ 0.01

Horns of the Eternal Nymph

$ 0.01

Braid of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.01

Cleaver of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.00

Compendium Gauntlet of the Trapper

$ 0.01

Compendium Hatchet of the Trapper

$ 0.03

Compendium Hunter's Jacket of the Trapper

$ 0.01

Compendium Trophy Belt of the Trapper

$ 0.00

Face of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.01

Gauntlet of the Trapper

$ 0.00

Gladiator's Revenge Arm

$ 0.01

Gladiator's Revenge Armor

$ 0.01

Gladiator's Revenge Axe

$ 0.04

Gladiator's Revenge Belt

$ 0.01

Hatchet of the Trapper

$ 0.00

Hook of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.01

Hunter's Jacket of the Trapper

$ 0.01

Nails in the Mad Harvester

$ 0.00

Ol' Chopper's Chains

$ 0.01

Ol' Chopper's Choppin' Arm

$ 0.01

Ol' Chopper's Cleaver

$ 0.00

Planks of the Bogatyr

$ 0.01

Trophy Belt of the Trapper

$ 0.00

Wrist Shackles of the Black Death

$ 0.00

Nether Grandmaster's Bite

$ 0.00

Nether Grandmaster's Bracers

$ 0.00

Nether Grandmaster's Waistcloth

$ 0.01

Nether Lord's Bracer

$ 0.01

Nether Lord's Cape

$ 0.01

Chained Beauty

$ 0.00

Chained Spur

$ 0.01

Crimson Agony

$ 0.01

Dagger of Anguish

$ 0.01

Dagger of Enduring Torment

$ 0.01

Guard of Anguish

$ 0.01

Guards of Vincere

$ 0.01

Shard of Blight

$ 0.01

Storm-Stealer's Armor

$ 0.00

Storm-Stealer's Bracers

$ 0.00

Storm-Stealer's Helm

$ 0.00

Twisted Arc

$ 0.01

Bladebreaker Armguards

$ 0.01

Bracer of the Tahlin Watch

$ 0.01

Burden of the Highborn

$ 0.01

Cape of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.01

Mark of the Subtle Demon

$ 0.01

Royal Dagger of the Tahlin Watch - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Royal Dagger of the Tahlin Watch

$ 0.01

Sigil of the Tahlin Watch

$ 0.01

Tahlin Occult Shoulder Sigil

$ 0.00

Wraps of the Subtle Demon

$ 0.01

Prestidigitator's Shiners

$ 0.00

Spellbinder's Forgotten Greatstaff

$ 0.01

Staff of Inscrutable Zeal

$ 0.00

Wandering Harlequin's Cape

$ 0.01

Wandering Harlequin's Mantle

$ 0.01

Caustic Guard

$ 0.01

Caustic Tarsus

$ 0.01

Ceremonial Claws of Qaldin

$ 0.00

Ceremonial Crawlers of Qaldin

$ 0.00

Claw of the Ancient Sovereign

$ 0.00

Shoulder of the Scouring Dunes

$ 0.01

Plate of the Summoned Lord

$ 0.01

Eki Bukaw Bracers

$ 0.01

Tang-Ki Scepter Off-Hand

$ 0.01

True Crow's Bite

$ 0.01

True Crow's Talon

$ 0.00

True Crow's Wings

$ 0.01

Arms of the Silent Champion

$ 0.00

Bracers of Aeol Drias

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Silent Guardian

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Glaive of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Headgear of Aeol Drias

$ 0.00

Helmet of the Silent Champion

$ 0.01

Mantle of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Shift of the Silent Guardian

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Silent Champion

$ 0.01

Threads of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Belt of Retribution

$ 0.01

Cloud Forged Great Bracers

$ 0.01

Cloud Forged Great Girdle

$ 0.01

Cuffs of Divine Ascension

$ 0.01

Gloves of Retribution

$ 0.00

Nightwatcher's Belt

$ 0.01

Nightwatcher's Bracers

$ 0.01

Nightwatcher's Mask

$ 0.01

Sash of Divine Ascension

$ 0.00

Sea Dragon's Armlet

$ 0.01

Sea Dragon's Crown

$ 0.00

Bound Shark Flippers

$ 0.02

Deep Warden's Darkray Cape

$ 0.00

Deep Warden's Seized Hood

$ 0.01

Prison Buckler

$ 0.01

Bracers of The Howling Wolf

$ 0.00

Hare Hunt Shoulders

$ 0.01

Hare Hunt Sleeves

$ 0.01

Heavy Cloak of the Keen Machine

$ 0.00

Heavy Plates of the Keen Machine

$ 0.01

Lucky Bullet of the Keen Machine

$ 0.01

Spaulders of The Howling Wolf

$ 0.01

Thud-Gun of the Keen Machine

$ 0.00

Blades of Malicious Efflorescence

$ 0.01

Bracer of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.00

Chestpiece of the Eternal Light

$ 0.01

Horns of the Ephemeral Haunt

$ 0.00

Phasma Phasmatis Belt

$ 0.01

Phasma Phasmatis Head

$ 0.00

Robes of Malicious Efflorescence

$ 0.00

Shadow of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.00

Sleeves of the Ephemeral Haunt

$ 0.01

Battleseeker Belt

$ 0.01

Belt of Fury

$ 0.01

Belt of the Death Charge

$ 0.01

Bracers of Fury

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Death Charge

$ 0.01

Heavy Gauntlets of the World Runner

$ 0.01

Tail of Fury

$ 0.00

Tail of the Death Charge

$ 0.01

Scale Pauldrons of Good Fortune

$ 0.01

Armblade of the Chiseled Guard

$ 0.01

Beacon of the Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.01

Belt of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Belt of the Warrior's Retribution

$ 0.01

Drape of a Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.00

Fauld of the Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.01

Gauntlet of the Warrior's Retribution

$ 0.01

Tassets of the Chiseled Guard

$ 0.00

Dreaded Bravo's Scarf

$ 0.00

Redmoon Assassin's Secret Headwear

$ 0.01

Sleeves of the Hidden Flower

$ 0.01

Whispering Dead Armor

$ 0.00

Armor of the Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.01

Claw of the Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.00

Claw of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Cockpit of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Goggles of the Tree Punisher

$ 0.00

Reactive Armor of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Saw of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.00

Timberthaw Armor

$ 0.01

Embrace of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.00

Stride of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.00

Arctic Hunter's Glove

$ 0.01

Arctic Hunter's Snack

$ 0.00

Bobusang's Axe

$ 0.01

Bobusang's Fist of the Predator Owl

$ 0.00

Bobusang's Jacket

$ 0.01

Frostiron Raider Shield

$ 0.01

Arms of the Cryogenic Embrace

$ 0.00

Belt of the Cryogenic Embrace

$ 0.01

Belt of the Radiant Protector

$ 0.00

Quills of the Ravager

$ 0.01

Sash of the Ravager

$ 0.01

Spiked Bracers of the Ravager

$ 0.01

Dreadhawk Blade

$ 0.01

Dreadhawk Headdress

$ 0.01

Leggings of the Banished Princess

$ 0.01

Acidic Tail of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Venomous Deathbringer Tail

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Archivist

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Conjurer

$ 0.01

Hood of the Conjurer

$ 0.01

Lantern of the Archivist

$ 0.01

Lantern of the Conjuring Sigil

$ 0.01

Robe of the Archivist

$ 0.01

Armored Exoskeleton Arms

$ 0.00

Armored Exoskeleton Legs

$ 0.01

Arms of the Master Weaver

$ 0.00

Ember Tipped Manipulators

$ 0.00

Infesting Legs

$ 0.01

Infesting Receptors

$ 0.01

Legs of the Master Weaver

$ 0.00

Spikes of the Master Weaver

$ 0.01

Arc of the Northern Wind

$ 0.01

Bloodwood Reserve

$ 0.01

Cape of the Wind Leaf

$ 0.00

Capelet of the Wild Wind

$ 0.01

Cloak of Tranquility

$ 0.00

Featherfall Quiver

$ 0.01

Gilded Falcon Quiver

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Northern Wind

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Northern Wind

$ 0.01

Quiver of Tranquility

$ 0.01

Tail of the Wild Wind

$ 0.01

Verdant Coif

$ 0.01

Zaru'Kina Protector's Cape

$ 0.01

Zaru'Kina Protector's Pads

$ 0.01

Armor of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Arms of Eternal Reign

$ 0.00

Cape of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Dreadknight Blade

$ 0.00

Gauntlets of the Year Beast

$ 0.00

Pauldron of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Year Beast

$ 0.00

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Gauntlet

$ 0.01

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Shoulder

$ 0.01

Scabbard of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Shoulder of Eternal Reign

$ 0.01

Blade of the Demonic Vessel

$ 10.66

Rampant the Scaled Hunter

$ 0.01

Totem of Deep Magma

$ 0.56

Blackened Edge of the Bladekeeper

$ 0.52

Cyclone Wave Smasher of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.30


$ 0.47

Form of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Stryff the Owlion

$ 0.01

Wings of Reminiscence

$ 0.05

Crazed Tassels of the Black Death

$ 3.56

Mark of the Taunting Swine

$ 0.24

Swine Arsenal

$ 1.28

Swine Helmet

$ 0.59

Swine Powder Barrel

$ 0.41

Swine Visor

$ 0.55

Rimeheart the Doom Stallion

$ 0.01


$ 0.02

Wrap of the Shifting Sorcerer

$ 0.90

Bertha the Morde-bat

$ 0.00

Greater Twin Blade

$ 0.40

Double Edge of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01


$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Sanurok the Ever Able

$ 0.00

Artisan of Havoc Helmet

$ 0.01

Warcog Electro Zapper

$ 0.00

Staff of the Glacier Duster

$ 0.01

Shadow Flame Headdress

$ 0.00

Wights from the Gloom

$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Helm of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Thunder Ram

$ 0.01

Stone Monkey Spirits

$ 0.01

Warriors of the Demon Stone

$ 0.03

Golden Reel Guardian Totem

$ 0.00

Worldforger's Crown

$ 0.01

Crimson Guard of Prosperity

$ 0.01

Arsenal Forge

$ 0.01

Iceforged Spirit

$ 0.01

Loyal Slave of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Sigil Mask of the Bladekeeper

$ 0.41

Roehrin the Pale Stallion

$ 0.00

Boots of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.32


$ 0.01

Medallion of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.33

Pauldrons of the Equine Emissary

$ 0.01

Stonehall Royal Guard Helmet

$ 0.09

Dead Winter Soul

$ 0.01

Everlasting Hair

$ 0.01

Beast of The Iron Claw

$ 0.01

Form of the Atniw

$ 0.01

Form of the Wolf Hunter

$ 0.01

Spirit of Calm

$ 0.40

Avon of the Crescent Moon

$ 0.01

Noriet the Dusky Guardian

$ 0.01

Borealis and Puppey, Guardians of Ambry

$ 0.07

Sanguine Moon Patch

$ 0.01

The King's Nightmare

$ 0.06

Andalmere the Litigon

$ 0.01

Crescent Bow

$ 0.01

Crown of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.00

Primeval Staff

$ 0.01

Shroom Thing

$ 0.01

Scythe of Twin Deaths

$ 0.01

Wings of Ka

$ 0.08

Claws of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.01

Orb of Reminiscence

$ 0.29

Axe of the Black Death Executioner

$ 0.08

Compendium Bone Crusher of the Trapper

$ 0.07

Cuff Hook of the Black Death

$ 0.02

Gladiator's Revenge Trident

$ 0.04

Mask of the Mad Harvester

$ 0.20

Shoulder of the Black Death

$ 0.01

Wings of Vincere

$ 0.00

Conceit of the Wandering Harlequin

$ 0.03

Focus of Resonant Vibrance

$ 0.01

Hood of Resonant Vibrance

$ 0.07

Oculus Ephemeral

$ 0.01

Prestidigitator's Source of Sorcery

$ 0.01

Shawl of Resonant Vibrance

$ 0.01

Staff of the Cruel Magician

$ 0.02

Tails of Resonant Vibrance

$ 0.02

Tail of the Scouring Dunes

$ 0.10

Serpent Ward of Tang-Ki

$ 0.03

Shield of the Tribunal

$ 0.00

Flail of the Death Charge

$ 0.01

Festive Robes of Good Fortune

$ 0.02

Helm of the Warrior's Retribution

$ 0.00

Sword of the Warrior's Retribution

$ 0.01

Epitaphic Bonds Armor

$ 0.01

Mask of the Third Insight

$ 0.01

Timberthaw Ripsaw

$ 0.01

Acidic Ward of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Venomous Deathbringer Ward

$ 0.00

Doom of Ithogoaki

$ 0.01

Ishul-Shog the Watcher

$ 0.01

Armored Exoskeleton Wings

$ 0.01

Featherfall Bow

$ 0.01

Compendium Rider of Avarice Mount

$ 0.00

Death Shroud of the Frozen Apostle

$ 0.01

Drake Guard of the Frozen Apostle

$ 0.01

Grudge in the Mist

$ 0.01

Hood of the Font Guard

$ 0.00

Horned Helm of the Frozen Apostle

$ 0.02

Netherax, Nightmare of the Mist

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Mount

$ 0.01

Twisted Ghostblade of the Frozen Apostle

$ 0.04

Warhorse of the Demonic Vessel

$ 0.01

Assistant's Respirator

$ 0.01

Experimentalist's Laboratory Essentials

$ 0.01

Formed Alloy Blades

$ 0.02

Ogre's Caustic Steel Blinders

$ 0.00

Toxic Siege Armored Saddle

$ 0.01

Fashion of Yoskreth

$ 0.01

Gift of the Awakened

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Mage Slayer - Off-Hand

$ 0.02

Glaive of the Mage Slayer

$ 0.02

Hatchet of the Shifting Sorcerer - Offhand

$ 0.02

Hatchet of the Shifting Sorcerer

$ 0.02

Hood of the Clergy Ascetic

$ 0.01

Mask of the Mage Slayer

$ 0.01

Offhand Blade of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Shard of Retribution

$ 0.01

Shard of Vengeance

$ 0.01

Axe of the Red Conqueror

$ 0.00

Red Mist Reaper's Scythe

$ 0.05

Saberhorn's Belt

$ 0.00

Saberhorn's Heavy Chopper

$ 0.01

Saberhorn's Helm

$ 0.01

Saberhorn's Pauldron

$ 0.01

Flame Bat

$ 0.01

Rough Rider's Muggin' Mask

$ 0.00

Red Talon Hood

$ 0.01

Tribal Stone Pauldron

$ 0.01

Blade of the Blood Covenant - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Blade of the Blood Covenant

$ 0.00

Bonehunter Skullguard

$ 0.00

Gallows Understudy Blade - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Gallows Understudy Blade

$ 0.01

Hood of the Scarlet Raven

$ 0.01

Blade of the Crimson Cut-throat

$ 0.01

Boomerang of the Twin Blades

$ 0.07

Cowl of the Blood Stained Sands

$ 0.00

Hat of the Hunter

$ 0.02

Lesser Twin Blade

$ 0.03

Mancatcher of the Crimson Cut-throat

$ 0.01

Mask of the Crimson Cut-throat

$ 0.01

Rifle Blade of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Shuriken of Distant Sands

$ 0.01

Red Dragon Shoulders

$ 0.01

Emerald Frenzy Spikes

$ 0.01

Heavy Barbed Back

$ 0.01

Legs of the Brood Queen

$ 0.01

Perceptive Spiderling

$ 0.01

Steelweb Countenance

$ 0.01

Steelweb Sheaths

$ 0.01

Thorned Skitterers of Despite

$ 0.01

Death Mask of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Flail of Omexe

$ 0.01

Halberd of the Steppe

$ 0.01

Helm of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Helmet of Omexe

$ 0.01

Sigil of the Steppe

$ 0.01

Spaulder of the Steppe

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Dark Ruin Crusher

$ 0.01


$ 0.00

Helmet of Endless Havoc

$ 0.00

Desert Gale Fouchard

$ 0.01

Gemmed Mitre of the Priest Kings

$ 0.00

Turban of the Penitent Nomad

$ 0.01

Wings of Obelis Mount

$ 0.00

Compendium Scorched Fletcher Helm

$ 0.01

Horns of the Crypt Guardian

$ 0.01

Scorched Fletcher Helm

$ 0.00

Artisan of Havoc Hook

$ 0.00

Battletrap Battlehelm

$ 0.01

Mortar Forge Steam Exoskeleton

$ 0.00

Warcog Metal Mask

$ 0.01

Cape of the Crystalline Queen

$ 0.01

Cape of the Frozen Feather

$ 0.00

Cape of the Glacier Duster

$ 0.01

Frostiron Sorceress Brooch

$ 0.01

Shards of the Crystalline Comet

$ 0.00

Snowdrop Staff

$ 0.00

Snowdrop Tassels

$ 0.01

Staff of the Crystalline Queen

$ 0.01

Style of the Glacier Duster

$ 0.01

Tiara of the Crystalline Queen

$ 0.01

Wizardry Staff of the North

$ 0.00

Totems of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.00

Ancestral Cloak

$ 0.01

Ancestral Medicine Stick

$ 0.00


$ 0.24

Great Pipe of the Father Spirits

$ 0.01

Headdress of the Father Spirits

$ 0.01

Staff of the Yuwipi

$ 0.00

Augur's Ghosts

$ 0.00

Blindfold from the Gloom

$ 0.00

Chiroptera of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Coronet of the Mortal Coil

$ 0.01

Corset of the Mortal Coil

$ 0.00

Dress of the Corpse Maiden

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom Hairdress

$ 0.01

Foreteller's Adorn

$ 0.00

Horns of the Bone Scryer

$ 0.00

Outland Witch's Horns

$ 0.01

Spirits of the Mourning Mother

$ 0.00

Aegis of the Storm

$ 0.01

Blitzy the Stormrunner

$ 0.00

Crown of the Thunder Ram

$ 0.01

Helm of the Stormlands

$ 0.01

Shocking Cornrows

$ 0.01

Static Lord's Generator

$ 0.00


$ 0.00

Tempest Caller

$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Steel Wings of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.01

Sword of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.00

Wings of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.01

Crimson Wyvern Helm

$ 0.00

Drapes of Ascension

$ 0.01

Edge of the Slain Dragon

$ 0.01

Helm of Ascension

$ 0.01

Helm of the Slain Dragon

$ 0.00

Shoulders of the Slain Dragon

$ 0.01

Bow of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.03

Bow of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Cape of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.00

Cowl of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.01

Cowl of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.00

Death Shadow Cape

$ 0.00

Helmet of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Jewel of the Forest Bow

$ 0.00

Mask of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Paws of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Sylvan Guard's Dress Armor

$ 0.01

Trophy of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Mane of the Demon Stone

$ 0.04

Core of Stoneshard Majesty

$ 0.00

Golden Reel Guardian Helmet

$ 0.01

Totem of the Forest Hermit

$ 0.01

Totem of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Spires

$ 0.00

Flaming Hair of Blaze Armor

$ 0.07

Mentor of the High Plains Decorated Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Mentor of the High Plains Right Tiger Hook

$ 0.03

Phoenix Helm of Prosperity

$ 0.00

Araceae's Tribute Hair

$ 0.00

Headdress of the Wildwing's Blessing

$ 0.01

Summer's Charm

$ 0.01

Primal Form of the Tentacular Timelord

$ 0.01

Viridus Crusher

$ 0.01

Sky-High Warship Munitions

$ 0.01

Obsidian Blade Warhelm

$ 0.00

Arcane Drapings

$ 0.00

Cape of the Arsenal Magus

$ 0.01

Cape of the Eastern Range

$ 0.01

Hair of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Hair of the Dark Magic

$ 0.00

Hairstyle of the Eastern Range

$ 0.01

Hood of Endless Intellect

$ 0.02

Iceforged Shoulders

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Arsenal Magus

$ 0.01

Burden of the Exiled Ronin

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Hakama of a Thousand Faces

$ 0.05

Mask of the Wandering Demon

$ 0.01

Sword of the Bladesrunner

$ 0.01

Vestments of the Exiled Ronin

$ 0.01

Wargod of the Bladekeeper

$ 0.06

Jewel of Futures Foretold

$ 0.01

Stag of the Northlight

$ 0.01

Wise Cap of the First Light

$ 0.03

Battery of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.01

Claddish Guard

$ 0.01

Claddish Voyager's Helm

$ 0.01

Commodore's Kraken Slayer

$ 0.01

Compass Edge of the Voyager

$ 0.01

Epaulets of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.02

Ernest Do of the Voyager

$ 0.00

Neptunian Sabre

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Helmet

$ 0.01

Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Helmet

$ 0.01

Flags of the Equine Emissary

$ 0.01

Grand Voulge of the Dragon Guard

$ 0.00

Immortals Pride Halberd

$ 0.01

Stonehall Royal Guard Dragonslayer

$ 0.01

Horns of Twisted Wisdom

$ 0.00

Belt of the Black Pool

$ 0.03

Dead Winter Sash

$ 0.01

Frozen Emperor's Demon Mask

$ 0.01

Mantle of Eldritch Ice

$ 0.01

Compendium Mask of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Mask of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Braids of the Dragonfire

$ 0.00

Bright Moon Jeonmo

$ 0.00

Everlasting Tails

$ 0.00

Flares of the Solar Divine

$ 0.01

Gown of the Charred Bloodline

$ 0.01

Headdress of the Ember Crane

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Battle Caster

$ 0.01

Plates of the Battle Caster

$ 0.01

Tails of the Scorching Princess

$ 0.01

Carapace of Buki'vak the Corrupted

$ 0.01

Gazing Eye of the Demon Witch

$ 0.01

Infernal Wings Mace

$ 0.01

Infernal Wings

$ 0.00

Mantle of Hell's Ambassador

$ 0.01

Beard of The Iron Claw

$ 0.01

Hair of the Wolf Hunter

$ 0.01

Spirit of Anger

$ 0.23

Spirit of the Atniw

$ 0.01

Circlet of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.00

Compendium Umbra Rider Mount

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Lucent Rider

$ 0.00

Guard of the Lucent Rider

$ 0.00

Headress of the Crescent Moon

$ 0.00

Messenger of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.01

Starrider of the Crescent Steel Glaive

$ 0.01

Starrider of the Crescent Steel Mount

$ 0.00

Umbra Rider Mount

$ 0.01

Curse of the Hunter of Kings

$ 0.01

Familiar of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Midnight Rippers of the Hunter of Kings

$ 0.03

Pelt of the Hunter of Kings

$ 0.01

Sanguine Moon Armor

$ 0.01

Long Hair of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.00

Polearm of the Magnoceri

$ 0.00

Bow of Forsaken Beauty

$ 0.01

Sweep of Forsaken Beauty

$ 0.00

Bandana of the Bone Ruin Bandits

$ 0.06

Riftshadow Roamer's Fine n' Fancy

$ 0.01

Riftshadow Roamer's Fryin' Pan

$ 0.01

Bow of the Moon Rider

$ 0.00

Jinky the Lion

$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Nightsilver Bow

$ 0.01

Nightsilver Locks

$ 0.01

Noctis the Heavenly Qilin Guardian

$ 0.01


$ 0.00

Snowstorm Mantle

$ 0.01

Ancient Armor Helmet

$ 0.03

Birot's Helm of Dignity

$ 0.00

Gift of the Sea Fin

$ 0.01

Gift of the Sea Head

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Mask

$ 0.01

Armor of the Slithereen Exile

$ 0.01

Clasp of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.01

Dagger of the Outcast

$ 0.01

Helm of the Slithereen Exile

$ 0.00

Cap of the Fungal Lord

$ 0.02

Children of Verodicia

$ 0.01

Pack of the Woodland Outcast

$ 0.01

Primeval Cape

$ 0.00

Primeval Treant

$ 0.00

Staff of the Father

$ 0.00

Immemorial Emperor's Mantle

$ 0.01

Moldering Mask of Ka

$ 0.06

Scythe of Ka

$ 0.03

Vestments of the Ten Plagues Helm

$ 0.00

Vestments of the Ten Plagues Shoulders

$ 0.01

Helm of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.00

Horn of the Hidden Hive

$ 0.01

Sacred Orb Carapace

$ 0.01

Shadow Spine

$ 0.01

Shell of the Hidden Hive

$ 0.01

Spines of the Predator

$ 0.00

Flaming Scepter of Ancestral Luck

$ 0.01

Armor of Thunderwrath's Calling

$ 0.00

Cape of Thunderwrath's Calling

$ 0.00

Hammer of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.01

Hammer of Thunderwrath's Calling

$ 0.00

Helm of Thunderwrath's Calling

$ 0.00

Hood of the Hierophant

$ 0.01

Winged Paladin's Defiance

$ 0.01

Winged Paladin's Glorious Cape

$ 0.01

Auspex of the Inauspicious Abyss

$ 0.01

Key of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Wings

$ 0.00

Wings of the Inauspicious Abyss

$ 0.01

Carreau's Tradition

$ 0.01

Cloak of the Nimble Edge

$ 0.02

Dragonterror Sword

$ 0.01

Helm of the Dark Wraith

$ 0.00

Helm of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Nimble Edge

$ 0.01

Penumbral Hood

$ 0.01

Penumbral Warblade

$ 0.00

Ancestors' Pauldron

$ 0.00

Belt of Teardrop Ice

$ 0.00

Humble Drifter Garb

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter Hat

$ 0.01

Lance of the Bramble Lord

$ 0.00

Pauldron of Teardrop Ice

$ 0.00

Staff of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.01

Tail of Reminiscence

$ 0.01

Wings of the Eternal Nymph

$ 0.01

Barrel of the Bogatyr

$ 0.01

Bone Crusher of the Trapper

$ 0.01

Chained Chopper

$ 0.01

Execution Headclamp of the Black Death

$ 0.01

Gladiator's Revenge Chain

$ 0.01

Ol' Chopper's Grizzled Face

$ 0.01

Rope of the Mad Harvester

$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Shoulder Block of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.00

Nether Grandmaster's Points

$ 0.01

Nether Grandmaster's Ward

$ 0.01

Nether Heart

$ 0.01

Chained Wings

$ 0.01

Mace of Vincere

$ 0.00

Shade of Anguish

$ 0.06

Torment Unbound

$ 0.01

Wings of Blight

$ 0.01

Wings of Royal Ascension

$ 0.01

Wings of the Wicked Succubus

$ 0.01

Belt of the Twisted Arc

$ 0.01

Helm of the Twisted Arc

$ 0.01

Storm-Stealer's Whip

$ 0.01

Bladebreaker Brush

$ 0.01

Bladebreaker Hood

$ 0.01

Horns of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.02

Slim Blade of the Tahlin Watch

$ 0.00

Smoke Bomb of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.04

Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Whip of the Subtle Demon

$ 0.01

Wrath of the Highborn

$ 0.00

Councilor's Mask

$ 0.01

Hood of the Cruel Magician

$ 0.32

Prestidigitator's Wraps

$ 0.00

Spellbinder's Mask of Shaping

$ 0.00

Spellbinder's Tattered Cloak

$ 0.01

Wandering Harlequin's Crest

$ 0.03

Caustic Rack

$ 0.01

Ceremonial Pshent of Qaldin

$ 0.01

Head of the Scouring Dunes

$ 0.01

Sandworn Visage of the Ancient Sovereign

$ 0.01

Vestigial Wings of the Ancient Sovereign

$ 0.00

Bindings of the Summoned Lord

$ 0.01

Accursed Scrolls of Tang-Ki

$ 0.01

Fiery Ward of Eki Bukaw

$ 0.01

Mysterious Vagabond's Hat

$ 0.05

Mysterious Vagabond's Pack

$ 0.01

Ornate Headdress of Tang-Ki

$ 0.01

True Crow's Ward

$ 0.01

Visage of Eki Bukaw

$ 0.00

Buckler of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Silent Champion

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Helm of the Silent Guardian

$ 0.01

Robe of the Hidden Talent

$ 0.01

Robe of the Silent Champion

$ 0.00

Shoulders of the Hidden Talent

$ 0.01

Cloud Forged Great Helm

$ 0.01

Cloud Forged Great Wings

$ 0.01

Nightwatcher's Staff

$ 0.01

Rune Forged Staff

$ 0.01

Staff of Divine Ascension

$ 0.01

Wings of Retribution

$ 0.01

Sea Dragon's Fins

$ 0.00

Deep Warden's Prized Scimitar

$ 0.00

Shark Cowl

$ 0.06

Cyclopean Helm of the Keen Machine

$ 0.01

Hare Hunt Hat

$ 0.01

Hat of The Howling Wolf

$ 0.01

Rifle of the Great Safari

$ 0.01

Blade of the Ephemeral Haunt

$ 0.01

Blade of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.01

Horns of Malicious Efflorescence

$ 0.01

Phasma Phasmatis Blade

$ 0.01

Teeth of the Eternal Light

$ 0.00

Wings of the Ephemeral Haunt

$ 0.01

Battleseeker Helmet

$ 0.01

Heavy Helm of the World Runner

$ 0.01

Heavy Pauldrons of the World Runner

$ 0.01

Horns of the Death Charge

$ 0.01

Spirit Crusher

$ 0.01

Ornate Hat of Good Fortune

$ 0.01

Breath of The Iron Drakken

$ 0.01

Gaze of the Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.01

Greathelm of the Chiseled Guard

$ 0.00

Greatsword of the Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.04

Helmet of The Iron Drakken

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Brooch of the Third Insight

$ 0.01

Dress of the Onyx Lotus

$ 0.01

Epitaphic Bonds Shoulders

$ 0.01

Headpiece of the Deadly Nightshade

$ 0.01

Redmoon Assassin's Secret Wraps

$ 0.01

Veil of the Hidden Flower

$ 0.01

Whispering Dead Mask

$ 0.01

Chainsaw of the Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.00

Seat of the Tree Punisher

$ 0.01

Timberthaw Back

$ 0.01

Timberthaw Claw

$ 0.01

Top Hat of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Club of the Igneous Stone

$ 0.16

Large Igneous Stone

$ 0.09

Medium Igneous Stone

$ 0.07

Scarlet Oak

$ 0.34

Small Igneous Stone

$ 0.08

Tiny Igneous Stone

$ 0.10

Canopy of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.01

Arctic Hunter's Ice Axe

$ 0.01

Bobusang's Tobacco Fix

$ 0.01

Frostiron Raider Fist

$ 0.01

Braids of the Radiant Protector

$ 0.01

Helmet of the Cryogenic Embrace

$ 0.01

Dreadhawk Harness

$ 0.01

Style of the Banished Princess

$ 0.01

Acidic Wings of the Hydra

$ 0.01

Venomous Deathbringer Head

$ 0.00

Grand Mantle of the Archivist

$ 0.01

Back of the Master Weaver

$ 0.01

Ember Tipped Carapace

$ 0.00

Ember Tipped Striders

$ 0.01

Infesting Claws

$ 0.00

Circlet of the Northern Wind

$ 0.01

Featherfall Cloak

$ 0.01

Featherfall Locks

$ 0.01

Gilded Falcon Cloak

$ 0.01

Gilded Falcon Helm

$ 0.01

Sentry of Tranquility

$ 0.01

Song of the Wild Wind

$ 0.00

Sparrowhawk Bow

$ 0.01

Sparrowhawk Cape

$ 0.01

Beak of the Stormcrow

$ 0.01

Sigil of the Stormcrow

$ 0.00

Veil of Fables

$ 0.00

Armor of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Blade of Eternal Reign

$ 0.00

Dreadknight Crown

$ 0.01

Dreadknight Pauldron

$ 0.01

Sword of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Cold Light of the Mist

$ 0.01

Compendium Rider of Avarice Helmet

$ 0.00

Darkstar the Mistforged

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Helmet

$ 0.01

Tarnhelm of Ruin

$ 0.00

Assistant's Cutter

$ 0.01

Assistant's Muscle Pump

$ 0.01

Formed Alloy Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Ogre's Caustic Steel Choppers

$ 0.00

Toxic Siege Blades

$ 0.01

Toxic Siege Bracers

$ 0.01

Toxic Siege Safety Goggles

$ 0.01

Young Alchemist's Protection

$ 0.01

Adornment of the Clergy Ascetic

$ 0.01

Blade of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Bracers of Yoskreth

$ 0.01

Collar of the Mage Slayer

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Shifting Sorcerer

$ 0.01

Reprieve of the Clergy Ascetic - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Reprieve of the Clergy Ascetic

$ 0.00

Sash of Yoskreth

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Shroud of the Awakened

$ 0.01

Spellbreaker of Yoskreth

$ 0.00

Words of the Awakened

$ 0.01

Bloodmist Crescent Axe

$ 0.01

Red Mist Reaper's Mask

$ 0.01

Red Mist Reaper's Tattoos

$ 0.01

Firestarter Gas Mask

$ 0.01

Flamestitched Suitings Bandana

$ 0.01

Flamestitched Suitings Cape

$ 0.01

Rachel the Morde-bat

$ 0.01

Rough Rider's Slipshod Slicker

$ 0.01

Ancestral Hair of Karroch

$ 0.01

Ancestral Vest of Karroch

$ 0.00

Red Talon Axes

$ 0.00

Red Talon Bracers

$ 0.01

Red Talon Guard

$ 0.00

Tribal Stone Edge

$ 0.01

Tribal Stone Horns

$ 0.01

Bonehunter Slicer - Off-Hand

$ 0.01

Bonehunter Slicer

$ 0.01

Bonehunter Spineguard

$ 0.01

Coat of the Scarlet Raven

$ 0.00

Cowl of the Blood Covenant

$ 0.01

Gallows Understudy Back

$ 0.01

Gallows Understudy Hood

$ 0.00

Gallows Understudy Skirt

$ 0.00

Pads of the Blood Covenant

$ 0.02

Talon of the Scarlet Raven - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Talon of the Scarlet Raven

$ 0.01

Cape of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Guard of the Crimson Cut-throat

$ 0.01

Hardened Hunter's Armor

$ 0.00

Hardened Hunter's Mask

$ 0.01

Hood of the Twin Blades

$ 0.10

Long Blade of Distant Sands

$ 0.01

Mask of Distant Sands

$ 0.00

Master Assassin's Mask

$ 0.00

Master Assassin's Tails

$ 0.01

Pads of the Crimson Cut-throat

$ 0.00

Pike of the Blood Stained Sands

$ 0.01

Qaldin Assassin's Dagger

$ 0.00

Qaldin Assassin's Glaive

$ 0.00

Qaldin Assassin's Slicer

$ 0.01

Second Disciple's Blade

$ 0.01

Second Disciple's Chakram

$ 0.00

Second Disciple's Dagger

$ 0.01

Second Disciple's Veil

$ 0.01

Short Blade of Distant Sands

$ 0.00

Shuriken of the Crimson Cut-throat

$ 0.01

Shuriken of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Red Dragon Arms

$ 0.00

Red Dragon Mace

$ 0.00

Emerald Frenzy Flail

$ 0.01

Heavy Barbed Head

$ 0.01

Heavy Barbed Morning Star

$ 0.01

Abdomen of Perception

$ 0.01

Bladed Abdomen of the Brood Queen

$ 0.01

Steelweb Shell

$ 0.01

Thorned Abdomen of Malice

$ 0.01

Armor of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Barding of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Brutal Crescent of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Helm of the Steppe

$ 0.00

Plate of the Steppe

$ 0.01

Spiked Pauldrons of the Conquering Tyrant

$ 0.01

Spine of Omexe

$ 0.01

Tail of Omexe

$ 0.01

Armlet of Discord

$ 0.00

Blade of Endless Havoc

$ 0.01

Dark Ruin Gaze

$ 0.00

Dark Ruin Helm

$ 0.01

Helm of Discord

$ 0.00

Horns of Burning Turmoil

$ 0.01

Shield of Endless Havoc

$ 0.03

Commanding Rod of the Penitent Nomad

$ 0.00

Desert Gale Helmet

$ 0.01

Desert Gale Mount

$ 0.00

Desert Gale Moustache

$ 0.00

Locuthi Mount of the Penitent Nomad

$ 0.01

Ruling Staff of the Priest Kings

$ 0.01

Wings of Obelis Helmet

$ 0.01

Wings of Obelis Shoulders

$ 0.01

Bow of the Crypt Guardian

$ 0.01

Compendium Scorched Fletcher Gloves

$ 0.01

Demon Guise of the Vandal

$ 0.01

Demon Quiver of the Crypt Guardian

$ 0.01

Scorched Fletcher Gloves

$ 0.00

Shredder of the Vandal

$ 0.01

Artisan of Havoc Armor

$ 0.01

Battletrap Armor

$ 0.01

Battletrap Battle Cog

$ 0.00

Battletrap Battlewrench

$ 0.00

Mortar Forge Claw

$ 0.00

Warcog Trench Digger

$ 0.01

Cape of the Crystalline Comet

$ 0.00

Frostbitten Cloak of the North

$ 0.01

Frostiron Sorceress Pads

$ 0.01

Frostiron Sorceress Staff

$ 0.01

Hood of the Frozen Feather

$ 0.00

Ice Capped Hood of the North

$ 0.01

Mantle of the Crystalline Queen

$ 0.00

Shelter of the Crystalline Comet

$ 0.00

Snowdrop Hood

$ 0.00

Snowdrop Mantle

$ 0.01

Snowdrop Mittens

$ 0.01

Staff of the Frozen Feather

$ 0.01

Armlets of Command

$ 0.00

Crown of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.01

Ring of Command

$ 0.01

Ancestral Arm Wrap

$ 0.01

Ancestral Dress

$ 0.01

Ancestral Headdress

$ 0.01

Bonedress of the Yuwipi

$ 0.01

Headdress Of The Yuwipi

$ 0.01

Ritual Skirt of the Father Spirits

$ 0.01

Shadow Flame Dress

$ 0.01

Armor from the Gloom

$ 0.00

Augur's Armor

$ 0.01

Augur's Hair

$ 0.01

Collar of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.00

Fatal Blossom Nails

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom Robe

$ 0.00

Fatal Blossom Skirt

$ 0.01

Foreteller's Haircomb

$ 0.00

Funereal Dress of the Bone Scryer

$ 0.01

Gown of the Mortal Coil

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Top

$ 0.01

Outland Witch's Hem

$ 0.00

Outland Witch's Necklace

$ 0.01

Outland Witch's Spirits

$ 0.00

Skirt of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Tresses of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Wicked Collar of the Corpse Maiden

$ 0.01

Deflector of the Stormlands

$ 0.00

Flags of the Thunder Ram

$ 0.00

Hammer of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Hammer of the Stormlands

$ 0.00

Raging Bug Idol

$ 0.01

Raging Thunder

$ 0.00

Storm Rider's Deflector

$ 0.01

Storm Rider's Sight

$ 0.01

Belt of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.01

Bracer of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.01

Helm of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.01

Horns of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.01

Shoulder of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.01

Steel Horns of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.00

Sword of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.00

Tail of Impending Transgressions

$ 0.00

Tail of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.01

Tail Plates of Apocalyptic Fire

$ 0.01

Wings of the Eleven Curses

$ 0.01

Armor of the Drake

$ 0.01

Crimson Wyvern Shield

$ 0.01

Crimson Wyvern Shoulders

$ 0.01

Crimson Wyvern Sword

$ 0.00

Gauntlets of Ascension

$ 0.01

Helmet of the Drake

$ 0.01

Sword of Ascension

$ 0.01

Vambraces of the Slain Dragon

$ 0.00

Bow of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Bow of the Wyvern Skin

$ 0.01

Cape of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Death Shadow Cowl

$ 0.00

Death Shadow Mantle

$ 0.00

Furstole of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Gaiters of the Shadowcat

$ 0.01

Guards of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Jewel of the Forest Cape

$ 0.00

Jewel of the Forest Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Jewel of the Forest Scarf

$ 0.01

Longbow of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.03

Quiver of the Boreal Watch

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Sylvan Guard's Boots

$ 0.01

Sylvan Guard's Bow

$ 0.01

Sylvan Guard's Cape

$ 0.01

Sylvan Guard's Hair

$ 0.01

Plackart of the Demon Stone

$ 0.01

Staff of the Demon Stone

$ 0.01

Vanquishing Demons Earthcore Belt

$ 0.01

Vanquishing Demons Ornaments of Annihilation

$ 0.01

Golden Reel Guardian Belt

$ 0.01

Head of the Forest Hermit

$ 0.01

Horns of Deep Magma

$ 0.01

Hammer of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Horns of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Anvil

$ 0.00

Ember Pauldrons of Prosperity

$ 0.01

Huo - Blade of Prosperity

$ 0.00

Jin - Blade of Prosperity

$ 0.00

Mentor of the High Plains Ceremonial Banner

$ 0.03

Mentor of the High Plains Great Cuirass

$ 0.01

Xin - Blade of Blaze Armor

$ 0.01

Zhuo - Blade of Blaze Armor

August 22, 2014

Araceae's Tribute Necklace

$ 0.00

Araceae's Tribute Spear

$ 0.01

Spear of the Wildwing's Blessing

$ 0.01

Summer's Bounty

$ 0.01

Summer's Mirth

$ 0.00

Wingbelt of the Wildwing's Blessing

$ 0.01

Armor of the Tentacular Timelord

$ 0.00

Skirt of the Tentacular Timelord

$ 0.01

Viridus Claw

$ 0.09

Viridus Spine

$ 0.01

Sky-High Warship Helmet

$ 0.01

Sky-High Warship Wings

$ 0.01

Obsidian Blade Dagger

$ 0.01

Arcane Shield

$ 0.01

Arcane Sight

$ 0.00

Bracers of Profound Perfection

$ 0.01

Cape of Arcane Artistry

$ 0.01

Cape of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Cape of the Dark Magic

$ 0.02

Crest of the Magus Magnus

$ 0.00

Hair of the Arsenal Magus

$ 0.00

Iceforged Cape

$ 0.01

Iceforged Hair

$ 0.01

Shoulders of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Wraps of the Eastern Range

$ 0.01

Akakiryu of a Thousand Faces

$ 0.05

Arsenal of the Bladekeeper

$ 0.39

Belt of the Bladesrunner

$ 0.01

Blade of the Wandering Demon

$ 0.01

Duangua of the Wandering Demon

$ 0.01

Faulds of the Gwimyeon Warrior

$ 0.01

Fire of the Exiled Ronin

$ 0.00

Mask of a Thousand Faces

$ 0.01

Mask of the Bladesrunner

$ 0.02

Pauldrons of the Gwimyeon Warrior

$ 0.01

Empowered Hood of the Gods

$ 0.01

Empowered Staff of the Gods

$ 0.00

Gladys the Light-Bearing Mule

$ 0.01

Robe of the Northlight

$ 0.01

Staff of the Northlight

$ 0.01

Staff of Wind and Sand

$ 0.00

The 22 Keys of Anzar-Anzuli'i

$ 0.00

Tinek the Unmastered

$ 0.00

Blue Stone Shoulder of the Voyager

$ 0.00

Claddish Gauntlets

$ 0.00

Claddish Hightops

$ 0.01

Claddish Voyager's Elegant Pauldron

$ 0.00

Claddish Voyager's First Chance

$ 0.01

Claddish Voyager's True North

$ 0.00

Collar of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.17

Commodore's Facings

$ 0.01

Commodore's Sash

$ 0.01

Firebreather of the Voyager

$ 0.01

Flintlock of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.07

Mantle of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.01

Plume of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.00

Style of the Divine Anchor

$ 0.10

Tabard of the Crested Cannoneer

$ 0.00

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Blade

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible War Banners

$ 0.00

Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible Blade

$ 0.01

Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible War Banners

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Equine Emissary

$ 0.01

Immortals Pride Helm

$ 0.01

Plume of the Dragon Guard

$ 0.00

Stonehall Royal Guard Banners

$ 0.00

Stonehall Royal Guard Pauldrons

$ 0.00

Twin Banner of the Dragon Guard

$ 0.01

Armor of Twisted Wisdom

$ 0.01

Bindings of Eldritch Ice

$ 0.01

Dead Winter Mantle

$ 0.01

Frozen Emperor's Twin Dragon Cape

$ 0.01

Glacier of Eldritch Ice

$ 0.01

Wraps of the Black Pool

$ 0.01

Blades of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Compendium Blades of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Compendium Wraps of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Wraps of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Adornments of the Ember Crane

$ 0.00

Blessings of the Solar Divine

$ 0.01

Bright Moon Chima

$ 0.01

Cut of the Battle Caster

$ 0.00

Drapes of the Dragonfire

$ 0.01

Dress of the Scorching Princess

$ 0.01

Everlasting Arms

$ 0.00

Sash of the Dragonfire

$ 0.00

Tail of the Ember Crane

$ 0.01

Hand of Hell's Ambassador

$ 0.01

Horns of the Malignant Corruption

$ 0.01

Infernal Wings Claw

$ 0.00

Infernal Wings Jaw

$ 0.00

Ruby Ring of Rak-noth Rak-nul

$ 0.01

Scepter of Corrupted Amber

$ 0.00

Shroud of the Shattered Sect

$ 0.01

Strifemaul of Hell's Ambassador

$ 0.01

Claw of the Haruspex

$ 0.00

Cut of the Atniw

$ 0.01

Gilded Mark of the Haruspex

$ 0.01

Pauldron of The Iron Claw

$ 0.01

Robe of the Wolf Hunter

$ 0.01

Sacrificial Blade of the Haruspex

$ 0.01

Spirit of the Iron Claw

$ 0.01

Trophy of the Wolf Hunter

$ 0.01

Armor of Eternal Eclipse

$ 0.03

Blades of Eternal Eclipse

$ 0.01

Compendium Umbra Rider Hair

$ 0.01

Compendium Umbra Rider Shoulders

$ 0.01

Glaves of the Crescent Moon

$ 0.01

Guard of the Crescent Moon

$ 0.03

Helm of Eternal Eclipse

$ 0.00

Mantle of the Crescent Moon

$ 0.01

Shield of Eternal Eclipse

$ 0.01

Shield of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.01

Starrider of the Crescent Steel Shield

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Hair

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Shoulders

$ 0.01

Battle Claws of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Comb of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Housemark of the Great Grey

$ 0.01

Sanguine Moon Shoulder

$ 0.01

Sanguine Moon Weapons

$ 0.01

Belt of the Magnoceri

$ 0.01

Bracers the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Mane of the Magnoceri

$ 0.00

Spear of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Blouse of Forsaken Beauty

$ 0.01

Circlet of Forsaken Beauty

$ 0.00

Key to the Bone Ruins

$ 0.06

Riftshadow Roamer's Pluckin' Fiddle

$ 0.01

Riftshadow Roamer's Wearin' Vest

$ 0.01

Skull of the Bone Ruins

$ 0.01

Crescent Skirt

$ 0.01

Crescent Style

$ 0.00

Fluted Guard of the Moon Rider

$ 0.00

Heavenly Guardian Bow

$ 0.01

Heavenly Guardian Quiver

$ 0.01

Lion Drape of the Moon Rider

$ 0.00

Lion Quiver of the Moon Rider

$ 0.00

Nightsilver Bracers

$ 0.00

Nightsilver Quiver

$ 0.00

Nightsilver Raiments

$ 0.00

Nightsilver Regalia

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Quiver

$ 0.00

Snowstorm Skirt and Scarf

$ 0.00

Starlight Band

$ 0.00

Starlight Bow

$ 0.01

Starlight Dress

$ 0.01

Tail of the Moon Rider

$ 0.00

Ancient Armor Back

$ 0.00

Ancient Armor Shoulder Shields

$ 0.01

Birot's Bracers of Dignity

$ 0.01

Frost Shard Armlets

$ 0.00

Frost Shard Crown

$ 0.00

Frost Shard Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Gift of the Sea Arms

$ 0.01

Gift of the Sea Shoulders

$ 0.00

Blade of the Slithereen Exile - Off-Hand

$ 0.01

Blade of the Slithereen Exile

$ 0.01

Breastplate of the Slithereen Knight

$ 0.01

Corset of the Outcast

$ 0.01

Cutlass of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.01

Helm of the Outcast

$ 0.01

Helm of the Slithereen Knight

$ 0.00

Offhand Cutlass of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.01

Scales of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.00

Spear of the Outcast

$ 0.00

Tail of the Slithereen Knight

$ 0.01

Trophies of the Outcast

$ 0.00

Bracers of Bird's Stone

$ 0.01

Braid of the Father

$ 0.01

Crest of Bird's Stone

$ 0.01

Great Moss Cape of the Fungal Lord

$ 0.01

Helm of Bird's Stone

$ 0.00

Pride of the Woodland Outcast

$ 0.01

Primeval Beard

$ 0.01

Primeval Horns

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Fungal Lord

$ 0.00

Staff of Bird's Stone

$ 0.00

Stature of the Woodland Outcast

$ 0.00

Verdant Shawl of the Father

$ 0.00

Immemorial Emperor's Coronet

$ 0.00

Immemorial Emperor's Scythe

$ 0.00

Pretiosa of Putrescense

$ 0.00

Reliquary of Rotting Doom

$ 0.00

Vestments of the Ten Plagues Scythe

$ 0.01

Armor of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.00

Blades of the Predator

$ 0.00

Claws of the Hidden Hive

$ 0.01

Guard of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.00

Mind Piercer of the Predator

$ 0.01

Sacred Orb Helm

$ 0.00

Sacred Orb Venom Claws

$ 0.00

Shadow Calvaria

$ 0.01

Shadow Claws

$ 0.01

Belt of Ancestral Luck

$ 0.01

Mantle of Ancestral Luck

$ 0.01

Masks of Ancestral Luck

$ 0.00

Armguards of the Stalwart

$ 0.00

Hammer of Hope

$ 0.01

Ornate Mantle of Renewed Faith

$ 0.01

Plate of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.00

Warhammer of Renewed Faith

$ 0.01

Winged Paladin's Armor

$ 0.01

Winged Paladin's Gauntlet

$ 0.01

Winged Paladin's Helm

$ 0.01

Dragon Forged Armor

$ 0.01

Dragon Forged Staff

$ 0.00

Dragon Forged Stare

$ 0.01

Dragon Forged Wings

$ 0.01

Head of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Scepter

$ 0.00

Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss

$ 0.00

Blade of the Dark Wraith

$ 0.01

Blade of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Carreau's Agony

$ 0.00

Carreau's Etiquette

$ 0.00

Dragonterror Armor

$ 0.01

Dragonterror Helmet

$ 0.00

Girdle of the Nimble Edge

$ 0.01

Guard of the Dark Wraith

$ 0.01

Helm of the Nimble Edge

$ 0.13

Leaf of the Nimble Edge

$ 0.01

Penumbral Cloak

$ 0.01

Penumbral Shawl

$ 0.02

Shoulders of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Ancestors' Belt

$ 0.01

Ancestors' Edge

$ 0.01

Armlets of Teardrop Ice

$ 0.00

Belt of the Bramble Lord

$ 0.00

Girdle of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.00

Humble Drifter Bracers

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter Pants

$ 0.01

Revered Shoulder

$ 0.01

Shoulder Guard of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.00

Shoulder of the Golden Mane

$ 0.01

Spaulder of the Bramble Lord

$ 0.01

Spear of Teardrop Ice

$ 0.01

Spear of the Golden Mane

$ 0.01

Tail of the Eternal Nymph

$ 0.01

Ball-n-Chains of the Black Death

$ 0.01

Belt of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.00

Chained Snatcher

$ 0.00

Chopper of the Mad Harvester

$ 0.01

Compendium Eviscerating Claw of the Trapper

$ 0.00

Compendium Gold Jaw of the Trapper

$ 0.01

Cruel Mace of the Bogatyr

$ 0.01

Emblazoned Arm of Delicacies of Butchery

$ 0.00

Eviscerating Claw of the Trapper

$ 0.01

Gladiator's Revenge Helmet

$ 0.08

Hook of the Mad Harvester

$ 0.11

Ol' Chopper's Dinner Bringer

$ 0.01

Ol' Chopper's Meat Jacket

$ 0.00

Old Helmet of the Bogatyr

$ 0.01

Restraint of the Mad Harvester

$ 0.01

Shield of the Bogatyr

$ 0.01

Sleeve of the Bogatyr

$ 0.01

Steel Jaw of the Trapper

$ 0.00

Nether Grandmaster's Cape

$ 0.00

Nether Grandmaster's Covering

$ 0.01

Nether Lord's Belt

$ 0.00

Nether Lord's Devourer

$ 0.00

Nether Lord's Hat

$ 0.00

Nether Lord's Scepter

$ 0.00

Chain of Enduring Torment

$ 0.01

Chained Guard

$ 0.01

Crown of Sanguine Royalty

$ 0.01

Crown of Vincere

$ 0.01

Dirk of the Wicked Succubus

$ 0.01

Epaulette of Blight

$ 0.01

Horns of Blight

$ 0.01

Horns of the Wicked Succubus

$ 0.00

Maze of Anguish

$ 0.01

Tiara of Enduring Torment

$ 0.00

Vestments of Sanguine Royalty

$ 0.00

Wraps of the Wicked Succubus

$ 0.01

Armor of the Twisted Arc

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Twisted Arc

$ 0.01

Storm-Stealer's Belt

$ 0.01

Backslicer of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.01

Blade of the Subtle Demon - Off-Hand

$ 0.01

Blade of the Subtle Demon

$ 0.02

Bladebreaker Dagger - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Bladebreaker Dagger

$ 0.00

Bladebreaker Spaulders

$ 0.00

Blinkcutter of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.02

Bracers of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.01

Curse of the Highborn

$ 0.01

Mask of the Tahlin Watch

$ 0.01

Tahlin Occult Dagger - Off-Hand

$ 0.01

Tahlin Occult Dagger

$ 0.00

Tahlin Occult Hood

$ 0.01

Thorns of the Highborn

$ 0.01

Veil of the Subtle Demon

$ 0.00

Whisk of the Highborn

$ 0.01

Cloak of Inscrutable Zeal

$ 0.01

Councilor's Robe

$ 0.00

Councilor's Shawl

$ 0.01

Councilor's Staff

$ 0.00

Mantle of the Cruel Magician

$ 0.05

Mask of Inscrutable Zeal

$ 0.01

Prestidigitator's Oculus

$ 0.00

Robe of the Cruel Magician

$ 0.03

Spellbinder's Catalytic Mantle

$ 0.00

Arms of the Scouring Dunes

$ 0.03

Caustic Glare

$ 0.01

Caustic Spurs

$ 0.00

Ceremonial Stinger of Qaldin

$ 0.00

Ceremonial Thorax of Qaldin

$ 0.00

Crawlers of the Ancient Sovereign

$ 0.01

Legs of the Scouring Dunes

$ 0.01

Stinger of the Ancient Sovereign

$ 0.00

Lash of the Summoned Lord

$ 0.01

Sigil of the Summoned Lord

$ 0.01

Eki Bukaw Wand - Off-Hand

$ 0.00

Eki Bukaw Wand

$ 0.01

Mysterious Vagabond's Concoction

$ 0.01

Mysterious Vagabond's Wand

$ 0.01

Possessed Shrine of Tang-Ki

$ 0.01

Records of the Eki Bukaw

$ 0.01

Tang-Ki Scepter

$ 0.01

True Crow's Pelt

$ 0.00

True Crow's Vision

$ 0.01

Blade of the Silent Guardian

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Hidden Talent

$ 0.01

Drapes of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Hidden Talent

$ 0.01

Helm of the Hidden Talent

$ 0.01

Helmet of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Silent Guardian

$ 0.00

Shield of the Hidden Talent

$ 0.01

Shield of the Silent Champion

$ 0.01

Shield of the Silent Guardian

$ 0.01

Tunic of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Cloud Forged Great Mantle

$ 0.01

Cloud Forged Great Staff

$ 0.01

Helm of Divine Ascension

$ 0.00

Helm of Retribution

$ 0.00

Mantle of Divine Ascension

$ 0.01

Nightwatcher's Guard

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of Retribution

$ 0.01

Rune Forged Belt

$ 0.01

Rune Forged Bracers

$ 0.01

Rune Forged Helm

$ 0.01

Rune Forged Shoulders

$ 0.01

Rune Forged Wings

$ 0.01

Staff of Retribution

$ 0.00

Wings of Divine Ascension

$ 0.01

Sea Dragon's Basher

$ 0.01

Deep Warden's Conch Pauldron

$ 0.00

Deep Warden's Tooth Bracer

$ 0.01

Prison Shank

$ 0.01

Shark Fin Cape

$ 0.05

Bracers of the Seasoned Hunter

$ 0.01

Cape of the Great Safari

$ 0.00

Hare Hunt Cape

$ 0.00

Hare Hunt Rifle

$ 0.01

Hunter's Helm

$ 0.01

Pelt of The Howling Wolf

$ 0.00

Rifle of The Howling Wolf

$ 0.01

Sharpeye's Mementos

$ 0.01

Belt of the Eternal Light

$ 0.01

Bracers of Malicious Efflorescence

$ 0.01

Dress of the Ephemeral Haunt

$ 0.01

Encasement of the Eternal Light

$ 0.01

Helm of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.01

Phasma Phasmatis Shoulders

$ 0.00

Plume of the Eternal Light

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.01

Wings of Malicious Efflorescence

$ 0.01

Battleseeker Arms

$ 0.00

Battleseeker Shoulders

$ 0.00

Heavy Belt of the World Runner

$ 0.01

Mask of Fury

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of Fury

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Death Charge

$ 0.01

Belt of The Iron Drakken

$ 0.01

Blade of the Chiseled Guard

$ 0.01

Blade of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Cape of the Warrior's Retribution

$ 0.00

Gauntlet of the Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.02

Gauntlet of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.00

Gauntlet of The Iron Drakken

$ 0.00

Helm of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Chiseled Guard

$ 0.00

Pauldron of the Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.01

Pauldron of The Iron Drakken

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Warrior's Retribution

$ 0.00

Armor of the Onyx Lotus

$ 0.01

Dreaded Bravo's Cape

$ 0.01

Dreaded Bravo's Guise

$ 0.01

Epitaphic Bonds Hair

$ 0.00

Garb of the Deadly Nightshade

$ 0.01

Guards of the Hidden Flower

$ 0.02

Hair of the Onyx Lotus

$ 0.00

Redmoon Assassin's Secret Armor

$ 0.01

Sash of the Third Insight

$ 0.01

Scarf of the Deadly Nightshade

$ 0.01

Whispering Dead Mantle

$ 0.01

Armor of the Tree Punisher

$ 0.00

Cockpit of the Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.00

Goggles of the Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.01

Grip of the Tree Punisher

$ 0.00

Pauldrons of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Plates of the Tree Punisher

$ 0.00

Saw of the Tree Punisher

$ 0.00

Timberthaw Hat

$ 0.01

Timberthaw Shoulders

$ 0.01

Large Scarlet Quarry

$ 0.21

Medium Scarlet Quarry

$ 0.12

Small Scarlet Quarry

$ 0.15

Tiny Scarlet Quarry

$ 0.16

Countenance of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.01

Arctic Hunter's Hood

$ 0.00

Arctic Hunter's Parka

$ 0.01

Arctic Hunter's Tusks

$ 0.01

Bobusang's Merchandise

$ 0.01

Bobusang's Sunshade

$ 0.03

Frostiron Raider Axe

$ 0.00

Frostiron Raider Helm

$ 0.01

Frostiron Raider Tusks

$ 0.01

Frostiron Raider Wrap

$ 0.01

Back of the Cryogenic Embrace

$ 0.00

Mark of the Radiant Protector

$ 0.01

Skull of the Ravager

$ 0.01

Wraps of the Radiant Protector

$ 0.01

Cape of the Banished Princess

$ 0.00

Dreadhawk Leggings

$ 0.01

Weapon of the Banished Princess

$ 0.00

Acidic Mandible of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Acidic Tentacles of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Venomous Deathbringer Hood

$ 0.00

Venomous Deathbringer Stingers

$ 0.00

Dark Pauldrons of the Conjurer

$ 0.01

Demonbag of the Archivist

$ 0.01


$ 0.00

Garment of Control

$ 0.01

Shroud of the Archivist

$ 0.00

Staff of the Archivist

$ 0.00

Staff of the Malevolent

$ 0.00

Antennae of the Master Weaver

$ 0.01

Armored Exoskeleton Back

$ 0.01

Ember Tipped Antennae

$ 0.01

Infesting Cranium

$ 0.01

Infesting Incubator

$ 0.00

Bloodwood Arc

$ 0.01

Bow of Tranquility

$ 0.00

Braid of Tranquility

$ 0.00

Cloak of the Northern Wind

$ 0.00

Featherfall Spaulders

$ 0.00

Gilded Falcon Bow

$ 0.01

Gilded Falcon Wings

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Wild Wind

$ 0.01

Shoulderpads of the Falcon

$ 0.00

Sparrowhawk Hood

$ 0.00

Sparrowhawk Quiver

$ 0.01

Sparrowhawk Wings

$ 0.01

Style of the Wild Wind

$ 0.00

Zaru'Kina Protector's Bow

$ 0.01

Zaru'Kina Protector's Hair

$ 0.00

Cloak of the Stormcrow

$ 0.01

Drum of Tales

$ 0.01

Egg of the Stormcrow

$ 0.01

Mantle of Mysteries

$ 0.01

Sacral Apparel

$ 0.01

Tail of the Stormcrow

$ 0.01

Blade of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Cape of Eternal Reign

$ 0.00

Crown of Eternal Reign

$ 0.01

Dreadknight Cloak

$ 0.00

Dreadknight Gauntlet

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Sundered King

$ 0.00

Helm of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Locks of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Cape

$ 0.01

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Helmet

$ 0.01

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Sword

$ 0.01

Anointed Armor of Ruination

$ 0.02

Arsenal of the Demonic Vessel

$ 6.69

Compendium Rider of Avarice

$ 0.72

Darkness Wanderer's Armor Set

$ 0.02

Rider of Avarice

$ 0.17

Sermon of the Frozen Apostle Set

$ 0.84

Alchemy Essentials Set

$ 0.06

Caustic Steel Set

$ 0.02

Formed Alloy Set

$ 0.28

Toxic Siege Armor Set

$ 0.02

Legacy of the Awakened Set

$ 0.10

Spoils from the Shifting Sorcerer Bundle

$ 0.65

The Clergy Ascetic Set

$ 0.02

The Gifts of Yoskreth Set

$ 0.06

The Mage Slayer's Set

$ 0.03

The Witch Hunter

$ 0.53

Bloodmist Armor Set

$ 0.02

Red Mist Reaper Set

$ 0.24

Saberhorn's Armor Set

$ 0.01

The Red Conqueror Set

$ 0.01


$ 0.13

Flamestitched Suitings Set

$ 0.01

The Rough Rider of Yama Raskav Set

$ 0.03

Custom of Karroch Set

$ 0.01

Hunter of the Red Talon Set

$ 0.01

Tribal Stone Set

$ 0.01

Ardor of the Scarlet Raven Set

$ 0.11

The Bonehunter Set

$ 0.03

The Gallows Understudy Set

$ 0.02

Wrath of the Blood Covenant Set

$ 0.03

Black Blades of the Qaldin Assassin Set

$ 0.02

Hardened Hunter's Gear Set

$ 0.01

Hunter in Distant Sands Set

$ 0.01

Hunter of the Blood Stained Sands Set

$ 0.01

Hunter with No Name

$ 1.23

The Creeper's Cruelty Set

$ 0.03

The Crimson Cut-throat Set

$ 0.02

The Master Assassin Set

$ 0.01

The Second Disciple Set

$ 0.02

Twin Blades Assassin

$ 2.17

Red Dragon

$ 0.10

Emerald Frenzy Set

$ 0.15

Heavy Barbed Armor Set

$ 0.09

Steelweb of Pytheos Set

$ 0.01

The Brood Queen Set

$ 0.01

Web of Thorns Set

$ 0.01

Webs of Perception Set

$ 0.02

The Conquering Tyrant Set

$ 0.02

Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.26

Warrior of the Steppe Set

$ 0.01

Weight of Omexe Set

$ 0.02

Arms of Burning Turmoil Set

$ 0.13

Champion of Discord

$ 0.29

Dark Ruin Set

$ 0.01

Embers of Endless Havoc Set

$ 0.01

Arms of the Penitent Nomad Set

$ 0.01

Desert Gale Set

$ 0.01

Gemmed Armor of the Priest Kings Set

$ 0.02

Wings of Obelis Set

$ 0.02

Compendium Scorched Fletcher

$ 0.26

Crypt Guardian's Set

$ 0.01

Demonic Vandal's Set

$ 0.01

Scorched Fletcher

$ 0.17

Artisan of Havoc

$ 0.12


$ 0.15

Mortar Forge

$ 0.20


$ 0.12

Ensemble of the Crystalline Comet

$ 0.47

Frostiron Sorceress Set

$ 0.01

Frozen Feather Set

$ 0.03

Glacier Duster Set

$ 0.06

Heart of the North Set

$ 0.01

Regalia of the Crystalline Queen Set

$ 0.02

Winter Snowdrop

$ 0.01

Imperial Relics

$ 0.22

The Seers Command Set

$ 0.01

Ancestral Trappings Set

$ 0.01

Ritual Garb of the Father Spirits Set

$ 0.01

Shadow Flame

$ 0.91

Yuwipi Set

$ 0.01

Augur's Curse Set

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom

$ 0.15

Foreteller's Robes Set

$ 0.01

Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.11

Gifts from the Gloom Set

$ 0.02

Regalia of the Mortal Coil Set

$ 0.01

The Bone Scryer Set

$ 0.01

The Corpse Maiden's Set

$ 0.01

The Mourning Mother

$ 0.03

Witch of the Outlands Set

$ 0.01

Might of the Thunder Ram

$ 0.54

Rage of the Three

$ 0.10

Rider of the Storm Set

$ 1.62

Static Lord

$ 0.36

Warrior of the Stormlands

$ 0.19

Impending Transgressions Set

$ 0.02

The Apocalyptic Fire Set

$ 0.01

The Burden of Eleven Curses Set

$ 0.01

Bones of the Slain Dragon Set

$ 0.02

Dragon's Ascension

$ 1.13

Enchanted Plate of the Crimson Wyvern Set

$ 0.02

Fire-Blessed Mail of the Drake Set

$ 0.02

Death Shadow Set

$ 0.02

Eldwurm's Touch

$ 2.47

Gifts of the Shadowcat Set

$ 0.07

Guise of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.16

Jewel of the Forest Set

$ 0.02

Sylvan Guard's Finery Set

$ 0.02

The Boreal Watch Set

$ 0.06

Wyvern Skin

$ 0.51

Strength of the Demon Stone Set

$ 0.22

Vanquishing Demons General

April 28, 2014

Bindings of Deep Magma

$ 4.07

Forest Hermit Set

$ 0.02

Golden Reel Guardian Set

$ 0.04

The Stoneshard Majesty Set

$ 0.01

The World Splitter

$ 0.03


$ 0.34

Blaze Armor

$ 0.25

Flames of Prosperity Set

$ 0.08

Mentor of the High Plains

May 30, 2014

Araceae's Tribute Set

$ 0.01

Aspects of Summer

$ 0.01

Blessings of the Wildwing

$ 0.01

Dials of Claszureme Set

$ 0.07

The Tentacular Timelord Set

$ 0.10

Viridi Inanitas Set

$ 0.23

Sky-High Warship

May 14, 2014

The Obsidian Blade Set

$ 0.20

Cabalist of Dark Magic Set

$ 0.06

Cadenza Magic Master

$ 1.97

Garbs of the Eastern Range Set

$ 0.06

Iceforged Set

$ 0.28

Mnemonus Arcanus Set

$ 0.03

The Magus Magnus Set

$ 0.16

Vestige of the Arsenal Magus

$ 0.29

Arms of the Gwimyeon Warrior Set

$ 0.23

Balance of the Bladekeeper

$ 10.79


$ 1.19

The Exiled Ronin Set

$ 0.52

Thousand Faces Set

March 26, 2013

Wandering Demon of the Plains Set

$ 0.65

Attributes of the Foretold Set

$ 0.04

Dressings of the First Light Set

$ 0.03

Empowered Vestments of the Gods Set

$ 0.03

Keeper of the Northlight Set

$ 0.01

Armaments of Leviathan Set

$ 0.18

Artillery of the Crested Cannoneer Set

$ 0.19

Bestowments of the Divine Anchor

$ 11.48

Instruments of the Claddish Voyager Set

$ 0.02

The Commendable Commodore Set

$ 0.02

The Steadfast Voyager Set

$ 0.03

Arms of the Onyx Crucible

$ 0.25

Commander of the Dragon Guard Set

$ 0.12

Compendium Arms of the Onyx Crucible

$ 0.39

Equine Emissary

$ 0.03

Immortals Pride

$ 0.27

Stonehall Royal Guard Set

$ 0.84

Twisted Wisdom Set

$ 0.05

Dead Winter Set

$ 0.03

Eldritch Ice Set

$ 0.02

Frozen Emperor

$ 0.02

Sorcerer of the Black Pool

September 15, 2014

Bloody Ripper

$ 0.25

Compendium Bloody Ripper

$ 0.47


$ 0.83

Ember Crane Set

$ 0.10

Everlasting Heat

$ 0.15

Fashion of the Scorching Princess Set

$ 0.01

Jini the Bright Moon Set

$ 0.03

Light of the Solar Divine

$ 0.01

The Battle Caster Set

$ 0.01

The Garments of the Charred Bloodline Set

$ 0.01

Curse of the Malignant Corruption Set

$ 0.06

Hell's Ambassador Set

$ 0.03

Legacy of Infernal Wings

$ 0.71

Tools of the Demon Witch Set

$ 0.02

The Atniw's Fury Set

$ 0.02

The Iron Claw

$ 0.42

The Wolf Hunter

$ 1.49

Tools of the Haruspex Set

$ 1.99

Azure Constellation

$ 0.03

Blessings of Lucentyr Set

$ 1.54

Blessings of the Eternal Eclipse Set

$ 0.01

Compendium Umbra Rider

$ 0.12

Flight of the Crescent Moon

$ 0.01

Starrider of the Crescent Steel

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider

$ 0.14

Armor of the Sanguine Moon Set

$ 0.08

Form of the Great Grey Set

$ 0.06

Hunter of Kings

$ 1.81

Engulfing Spike

$ 0.65

War-Vestments of the Magnoceri

$ 0.26

Forsaken Beauty Set

$ 0.03

Spoils of the Bone Ruins Set

$ 0.20

The Riftshadow Roamer's Set

$ 0.03


$ 0.06

Garments of the Nightsilver Sentinel

$ 0.08

Gifts of the Heavenly Guardian

$ 0.03

Snowstorm Huntress

$ 0.64

Starlight Set

$ 0.02

The Moon Rider Set

$ 0.05

Ancient Armor Set

$ 0.04

Bindings of Frost Set

$ 0.02

Birot's Bindings Set

$ 0.01

Gift of the Sea Set

$ 0.01

Shards of the Falling Comet Set

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade

$ 0.52

Iceborn Trinity

$ 1.15

Outcast of the Deep Set

$ 0.01

The Slithereen Exile Set

$ 0.02

The Slithereen Knight Set

$ 0.01

Bird's Stone Set

$ 0.01

Father of the Forest

$ 0.09

Fungal Lord Set

$ 0.20

Primeval Prophet

$ 0.33

Woodland Outcast Set

$ 0.01

Immemorial Emperor Set

$ 0.02

Relics of the Putrid Pontiff Set

$ 0.64

Vestments of the Ten Plagues Set

$ 0.04

Wrath of Ka

November 10, 2014

Alpha Predator Set

$ 0.01

Carapace of the Hidden Hive Set

$ 0.01

Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.15

Sacred Orb Set

$ 0.01

Shadow Hunter Set

$ 0.15

Ancestral Luck Set

$ 0.24

Armor of Renewed Faith Set

$ 0.01

Armor of the Stalwart Soul

$ 2.39

The Hierophant's Protection Set

$ 0.01

Thunderwrath's Calling Set

$ 0.01

Wings of the Paladin Set

$ 0.01

Dragon Forged Set

$ 0.01

Harbinger of the Inauspicious Abyss Set

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard

$ 0.12

Sentinel of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.36

Dame de Carreau

$ 0.56

Dark Wraith Set

$ 0.18


May 26, 2014

Nimble Edge Set

$ 1.06

Penumbral Vesture Set

$ 0.39

Raiments of the Sacrosanct

$ 1.60

Ancestors' Pride Set

$ 0.01

Arms of the Bramble Lord Set

$ 0.01

Honors of the Golden Mane Set

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter

$ 0.59

Jewels of Teardrop Ice Set

$ 0.01

Revered Arms Set

$ 0.01

Vestments of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.05

Eternal Nymph

$ 0.14

Reminiscence of Dreams

$ 4.00

Arms of the Bogatyr

July 7, 2015

Bindings of the Trapper

$ 0.67

Chained Slayers Set

$ 0.12

Chains of the Black Death

$ 8.65

Compendium Bindings of the Trapper

$ 2.75

Delicacies of Butchery Set

$ 0.13

Gladiator's Revenge

March 19, 2014

The Ol' Chopper's Set

$ 0.12

Tools of the Mad Harvester Set

$ 1.10

Nether Lord's Regalia Set

$ 0.09

The Nether Grandmaster's Robes Set

$ 0.03

Adornments of Blight Set

$ 0.01

Bindings of Enduring Torment Set

$ 0.01

Bonds of Vincere Set

$ 0.01

Chained Mistress Set

$ 0.01

Sanguine Royalty

$ 0.27

Throes of Anguish Set

$ 0.09

Wicked Succubus Set

$ 0.01

Bindings of the Storm-Stealer Set

$ 0.11

The Twisted Arc Set

$ 0.02

Arms of the Bladebreaker Order Set

$ 0.02

Highborn Reckoning Set

$ 0.01

Implements of the Tahlin Watch Set

$ 0.02

Monstrous Reprisal

$ 2.04

Tahlin Occult Set

$ 0.01

The Subtle Demon Set

$ 0.03

Councilor's Complete Raiment Set

$ 0.02

Garb of the Cruel Magician Set

$ 1.45

Peculiar Prestidigitator Set

$ 0.06

Resonant Vibrance Set

$ 0.27

The Inscrutable Zeal Set

$ 0.10

The Spellbinder's Shape Set

$ 0.08

Wandering Harlequin's Regalia

$ 2.11

Ceremonial Carapace of Qaldin Set

$ 0.01

Lord of the Scouring Dunes

$ 2.10

The Ancient Sovereign Set

$ 0.02

The Caustic Consumption Set

$ 0.03

Chains of the Summoned Lord Set

$ 0.01

Eki Spiritual Implements Set

$ 0.03

Mystic Instruments of Tang-Ki

$ 2.55

The Mysterious Vagabond Set

$ 0.16

The True Crow

$ 0.03

Guardian of Silence Set

$ 0.02

Heirlooms of Aeol Drias

$ 0.42

Silent Champion

$ 0.02

The Hidden Talent Set

$ 0.02

Whisper of the Tribunal

April 21, 2014

Cloud Forged Battle Gear Set

$ 0.03

Divine Ascension

$ 0.02

Rune Forged Set

$ 0.03

The Arms of Retribution Set

$ 0.01

The Nightwatcher's Set

$ 0.02

The Sea Dragon's Set

$ 0.10

Dark Reef Escape

$ 3.75

Deep Warden Haul Set

$ 0.02

Gear of the Tally-Ho Hunter Set

$ 0.03

Keen Machine

$ 0.13

Spirit of the Howling Wolf Set

$ 0.08

The Hare Hunt Set

$ 0.03

Malicious Efflorescence Set

$ 0.01

Phasma Phasmatis

$ 0.01

The Ephemeral Haunt Set

$ 0.02

The Eternal Light Set

$ 0.01

Volatile Firmament

$ 0.95

Barathrum's Fury Set

$ 0.03

Battleseeker Set

$ 0.03

Death Charge Set

$ 0.40

Heavy Armor of the World Runner Set

$ 0.06

Gifts of Fortune Set

$ 0.06

Armour of The Iron Drakken

$ 0.15

Cyclopean Marauder

$ 0.74

Raiment of the Chiseled Guard

$ 0.02

The Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.41

Warrior's Retribution Set

$ 0.15

Swine of the Sunken Galley Bundle

September 4, 2014

Epitaphic Bonds

June 20, 2014

Hidden Flower

September 16, 2014

Onyx Lotus

February 24, 2015

Redmoon Assassin's Secret Set

$ 0.01

The Deadly Nightshade Set

$ 0.02

The Dreaded Bravo Set

$ 0.01

The Third Insight Set

$ 0.01

Whispering Dead Set

$ 0.01

Steam Chopper

$ 0.06

The Maniacal Machinist

$ 0.24


$ 0.94

Tree Punisher

$ 0.18

Scarlet Quarry

August 21, 2014

The Igneous Stone

December 9, 2014

Agaric Flourish

September 29, 2014

Arctic Hunter Set

$ 0.02

Bobusang's Traveling Necessities Set

$ 0.14

Frostiron Raider Set

$ 0.01

Cryogenic Embrace Set

$ 0.20

Radiant Protector Set

$ 0.11

The Ursine Ravager Set

$ 0.02

Dreadhawk Armor

$ 0.40

Resentment of the Banished Princess

$ 0.18

Acid Hydra

$ 0.29

Venomous Deathbringer

$ 0.29

The Demonic Archivist Set

$ 0.72

The Exiled Demonologist Set

$ 0.05

Armored Exoskeleton Set

$ 0.01

Dimensional Infestation Set

$ 0.01

Ember Tipped Carapace Set

$ 0.02

Master Weaver Set

$ 0.02

Aria of the Wild Wind Set

$ 0.02

Array of Tranquility

$ 0.73

Falconer's Design Set

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Flight of the Sparrowhawk Set

$ 0.01

Redwood Arms Set

$ 0.09

The Northern Wind Set

$ 0.01

Wings of the Gilded Falcon Set

$ 0.01

Zaru'Kina Protector's Garb Set

$ 0.01

The Stormcrow's Spirit Set

$ 0.07

Traveling Tale-Teller's Set

$ 0.02

Armor of Eternal Reign

$ 0.02

Aspect of the Year Beast

$ 0.87

Regalia of the Bonelord Set

$ 0.31

Regalia of the Wraith Lord Set

$ 0.03

Relics of the Sundered King

$ 0.71

Remains of the Dreadknight Set

$ 0.02