Fluttering Cache
Fluttering Cache



Rarity stats



Golden Seekling

$ 6.78

Dagger of the Giant Hunter

$ 0.01

Mask of the Giant Hunter

$ 0.01

Plate of the Giant Hunter

$ 0.04

Shuriken of the Giant Hunter

$ 0.00

Tonfa of the Giant Hunter

$ 0.01

Tools of the Giant Hunter

$ 0.00

Cape of the Lumini Polare

$ 0.00

Shawl of the Lumini Polare

$ 0.00

Sleeves of the Lumini Polare

$ 0.02

Staff of the Lumini Polare

$ 0.00

Style of the Lumini Polare

$ 0.01

Cannons of the Swooping Elder

$ 0.01

Mast of the Swooping Elder

$ 0.24

Mine of the Swooping Elder

$ 0.00

Prow of the Swooping Elder

$ 0.06

Tricon of the Swooping Elder

$ 0.04

Conduit of the Lightning Lord

$ 0.01

Mask of the Lightning Lord

$ 0.01

Plate of the Lightning Lord

$ 0.01

Rings of the Lightning Lord

$ 0.01

Spark of the Lightning Lord

$ 0.00

Cape of the Gifted Jester

$ 0.01

Mantle of the Gifted Jester

$ 0.00

Mask of the Gifted Jester

$ 0.02

Staff of the Gifted Jester

$ 0.00

Cloak of Twilight's Rest

$ 0.01

Mantle of Twilight's Rest

$ 0.01

Mask of Twilight's Rest

$ 0.05

Scourge of Twilight's Rest

$ 0.01

Wrap of Twilight's Rest

$ 0.01

Armor of the Haunted Lord

$ 0.02

Bracers of the Haunted Lord

$ 0.01

Cloak of the Haunted Lord

$ 0.06

Haunted Claimant

$ 0.01

Helm of the Haunted Lord

$ 0.07

Pauldrons of the Haunted Lord

$ 0.01

Giant Hunter

$ 7.13

Lady of the Lumini Polare

$ 2.59

Swooping Elder

$ 13.98

Empire of the Lightning Lord

$ 3.23

Gifted Jester

$ 3.60

Twilight's Rest

$ 2.21

Haunted Lord

$ 11.68