Frostivus 2017 Treasure
Frostivus 2017 Treasure



Rarity stats



Crown of Curious Coldspell

$ 1.39

Tail of Curious Coldspell

$ 0.31

Wings of Curious Coldspell

$ 3.50

Armor of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.14

Arms of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.09

Coat of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.01

Neck of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.01

Off-Hand of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.01

Smokestacks of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.28

Weapons of the Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 0.05

Arms of the First Ways

$ 0.52

Cowl of the First Ways

$ 0.07

Garb of the First Ways

$ 0.42

Shoulder of the First Ways

$ 0.06

Armor of the Snowpack Savage

$ 0.02

Axe of the Snowpack Savage

$ 0.02

Beard of the Snowpack Savage

$ 0.02

Belt of the Snowpack Savage

$ 0.01

Prize of the Snowpack Savage

$ 0.01

Arms of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.02

Axe of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.01

Belt of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.03

Boar of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.06

Helm of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.03

Mantle of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.01

Owl of the Stoutheart Growler

$ 0.09

Arms of the Icebrew Angler

$ 0.01

Auger of the Icebrew Angler

$ 0.01

Cask of the Icebrew Angler

$ 0.01

Garb of the Icebrew Angler

$ 0.03

Head of the Icebrew Angler

$ 0.07

Reel of the Icebrew Angler

$ 0.02

Abdomen of the Abysm

$ 0.01

Anterior of the Abysm

$ 0.02

Creepling of the Abysm

$ 0.01

Eyes of the Abysm

$ 0.06

Legs of the Abysm

$ 0.01

Arms of Winter's Warden

$ 0.07

Helm of Winter's Warden

$ 0.10

Mantle of Winter's Warden

$ 0.01

Skirt of Winter's Warden

$ 0.01

Staff of Winter's Warden

$ 0.01

Arms of the Bitterwing Legacy

$ 0.15

Barding of the Bitterwing Legacy

$ 0.13


$ 0.40

Blade of the Bitterwing Legacy

$ 0.15

Helm of the Bitterwing Legacy

$ 0.19

Shield of the Bitterwing Legacy

$ 0.07

Shoulder of the Bitterwing Legacy

$ 0.24

Engine of Portent Payload

$ 0.12

Head of Portent Payload

$ 0.06

Present of Portent Payload

$ 0.00

Stern of Portent Payload

$ 0.03

Weapons of Portent Payload

$ 0.01

Frost of Elder Convergence

$ 0.80

Heat of Elder Convergence

$ 0.05

Tail of Elder Convergence

$ 1.48

Wings of Elder Convergence

$ 0.06

Coat of the Forgotten Renegade

$ 0.71

Countenance of the Forgotten Renegade

$ 0.60

Light of the Forgotten Renegade

$ 0.00

Mount of the Forgotten Renegade

$ 0.11

Arms of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.01

Cloak of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.14

Mane of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.12

Shoulder of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.06

Spirit Bear of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.22

True Form of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.22

Tunic of the War-Burrow Ravager

$ 0.10

Arms of the Iron Hog

$ 0.01

Axe of the Iron Hog

$ 0.02

Belt of the Iron Hog

$ 0.06

Chopper of the Iron Hog

$ 0.02

Face of the Iron Hog

$ 0.24

Razors of the Iron Hog

$ 0.02

Shoulder of the Iron Hog

$ 0.01

Arms of the Seasoned Expeditionary

$ 0.04

Back of the Seasoned Expeditionary

$ 0.01

Head of the Seasoned Expeditionary

$ 0.01

Shoulder of the Seasoned Expeditionary

$ 0.01

Weapon of the Seasoned Expeditionary

$ 0.01

Arms of the Frostshard Ascendant

$ 0.21

Back of the Frostshard Ascendant

$ 0.01

Belt of the Frostshard Ascendant

$ 0.15

Head of the Frostshard Ascendant

$ 0.18

Sunken Frostshard

$ 0.06

Weapon of the Frostshard Ascendant

$ 0.13

Armor of the Icewrack Marauder

$ 0.20

Axes of the Icewrack Marauder

$ 0.11

Head of the Icewrack Marauder

$ 0.50

Shoulders of the Icewrack Marauder

$ 0.00

Armor of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.02

Cape of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.15

Harness of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.02

Helm of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.04

Mace of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.05

Sigil of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.02

Tusks of the Weathered Storm

$ 0.01

Crown of the Netherfrost

$ 0.02

Scales of the Netherfrost

$ 0.09

Tail of the Netherfrost

$ 0.01

Boilerplate Bruiser

$ 7.78

Purveyor of the First Ways

$ 8.00

Snowpack Savage

$ 2.12

Stoutheart Growler

$ 2.42

Icebrew Angler

$ 2.70

Epoch of the Abysm

$ 2.33

Winter's Warden

$ 3.01

Bitterwing Legacy

$ 16.50

Portent Payload

$ 2.63

Elder Convergence

November 29, 2017

Forgotten Renegade

$ 12.47

War-Burrow Ravager

$ 6.02

Curious Coldspell

$ 57.57

Iron Hog

$ 5.03

Seasoned Expeditionary

$ 3.01

Frostshard Ascendant

$ 7.67

Icewrack Marauder

$ 5.49

Eye of the Weathered Storm

$ 3.13

Sign of the Netherfrost

$ 4.88