Hallowed Chest of the Diretide
Hallowed Chest of the Diretide



Rarity stats



Origin of the Unmaking

$ 14.99

Remnants of Ascension

$ 15.60

Provocation of Ruin Belt

$ 22.35

Provocation of Ruin Bracers

$ 8.81

Provocation of Ruin Mask

$ 12.39

Provocation of Ruin Pauldron

$ 35.82

Provocation of Ruin Sword

$ 23.77

Provocation of Ruin Ward

$ 5.18

God's Mercy

$ 16.00

Fetters of Omniscience

$ 15.18

Avowance of the Veiled Ones

$ 45.07

Concord Reversion

$ 30.11

Lash of the Lizard Kin

$ 25.94

Shadow in the Deep Armor

$ 146.36

Shadow in the Deep Back

$ 11.58

Shadow in the Deep Bracers

$ 11.71

Shadow in the Deep Dagger

$ 2.26

Shadow in the Deep Helm

$ 15.39

Desert Burn Cap

$ 1.20

Desert Burn Crossbow

$ 2.51

Desert Burn Morty

$ 7.74

Desert Burn Outfit

$ 1.41

Desert Burn Saddle

$ 43.09

Bracers of the Ardalan Interdictor

$ 6.67

Colar of the Ardalan Interdictor

$ 7.20

Helm of the Ardalan Interdictor

$ 16.33

Pack of the Ardalan Interdictor

$ 11.47

Weapon of the Ardalan Interdictor

$ 179.00

The Hallows Within Tombstone

$ 6.99

The Hallows Within

$ 10.13

Armor of the Forgotten Plane

$ 0.74

Belt of the Forgotten Plane

$ 0.97

Bracer of the Forgotten Plane

$ 0.63

Mask of the Forgotten Plane

$ 1.94

Off-Hand Weapon of the Forgotten Plane

$ 0.66

Pauldron of the Forgotten Plane

$ 0.20

Weapon of the Forgotten Plane

$ 0.58

Night Terrors Belt

$ 0.13

Night Terrors Cape

$ 0.14

Night Terrors Hat

$ 0.39

Night Terrors Mount

$ 0.27

Armor of Endless Days

$ 0.13

Cogs of Endless Days

$ 0.16

Hook of Endless Days

$ 0.00

Mind of Endless Days

$ 0.59

Rocket of Endless Days

$ 0.07

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Belt

$ 0.12

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Bracer

$ 0.01

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Head

$ 0.28

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Hourglass

$ 0.84

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Pauldrons

$ 0.78

Whispers of the Damned Belt

$ 0.23

Whispers of the Damned Bracers

$ 0.01

Whispers of the Damned Head

$ 0.86

Whispers of the Damned Pauldrons

$ 0.48

Whispers of the Damned Sword

$ 0.17

Whispers of the Damned Tail

$ 0.14

Whispers of the Damned Wings

$ 1.35

Gambits of Nishai Belt

$ 0.31

Gambits of Nishai Helm

$ 1.26

Gambits of Nishai Knight

$ 0.03

Gambits of Nishai Pauldrons

$ 0.44

Darkwood Witness Arms

$ 0.15

Darkwood Witness Belt

$ 0.19

Darkwood Witness Head

$ 0.74

Darkwood Witness Neck

$ 0.03

Darkwood Witness Weapon

$ 0.03

Armor of the Winged Sentinel

$ 0.27

Glaives of the Winged Sentinel

$ 0.01

Helm of the Winged Sentinel

$ 0.12

Mount of the Winged Sentinel

$ 7.76

Shield of the Winged Sentinel

$ 0.01

Arena Champion Armor

$ 1.62

Arena Champion Belt

$ 0.26

Arena Champion Shield

$ 1.06

Arena Champion Spear

$ 0.03

Armor of the Forlorn Maze

$ 0.05

Arms of the Forlorn Maze

$ 0.10

Belt of the Forlorn Maze

$ 0.48

Head of the Forlorn Maze

$ 0.18

Whip of the Forlorn Maze

$ 0.03

Hunger of the Howling Wilds Arms

$ 0.57

Hunger of the Howling Wilds Head

$ 0.28

Hunger of the Howling Wilds Off-Hand Weapon

$ 1.93

Hunger of the Howling Wilds Shoulder

$ 0.12

Hunger of the Howling Wilds Tail

$ 0.29

Hunger of the Howling Wilds Weapon

$ 2.31

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Cart

$ 0.26

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Mines

$ 0.03

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Sign

$ 0.05

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Spleen

$ 0.47

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Spoon

$ 0.20

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Squee

$ 0.32

Bombtrails and Boomsticks Weapon

$ 0.15

Chasm of the Broken Code Armor

$ 1.14

Chasm of the Broken Code Demon

$ 0.69

Chasm of the Broken Code Helm

$ 0.74

Chasm of the Broken Code Weapon

$ 0.01

Chasm of the Broken Code Wings

$ 0.06

Blackshield Protodrone Armor

$ 1.45

Blackshield Protodrone Helm

$ 0.34

Blackshield Protodrone Laser

$ 0.02

Blackshield Protodrone Missile Launcher

$ 1.01

Blackshield Protodrone Stinger

$ 0.70

Contessa's Creed Dress

$ 0.31

Contessa's Creed Hat

$ 0.70

Contessa's Creed Shoulders

$ 0.02

Contessa's Creed Weapon

$ 0.18

Armor of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.22

Belt of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.15

Bracers of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.18

Dress of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.16

Hood of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.10

Lamp of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.01

Spiteful Djinn

$ 1.23

Staff of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 0.07

Razil's Revitalizer Armor

$ 0.01

Razil's Revitalizer Arms

$ 0.02

Razil's Revitalizer Cage

$ 0.01

Razil's Revitalizer Garb

$ 0.04

Razil's Revitalizer Pipes

$ 0.01

Razil's Revitalizer Potions

$ 0.01

Razil's Revitalizer Weapons

$ 0.03

Edge of Extinction Belt

$ 0.02

Edge of Extinction Boar

$ 0.11

Edge of Extinction Bracers

$ 0.03

Edge of Extinction Hawk

$ 0.03

Edge of Extinction Helm

$ 0.07

Edge of Extinction Shoulders

$ 0.01

Edge of Extinction Weapons

$ 0.00

Feast of the Unwilling Armor

$ 0.02

Feast of the Unwilling Belt

$ 0.02

Feast of the Unwilling Bracers

$ 0.01

Feast of the Unwilling Hood

$ 0.01

Feast of the Unwilling Off-Hand Weapon

$ 0.01

Feast of the Unwilling Shoulders

$ 0.07

Feast of the Unwilling Weapon

$ 0.01

Surly Bogstomper Back

$ 0.01

Surly Bogstomper Bracers

$ 0.01

Surly Bogstomper Fishclub

$ 0.02

Surly Bogstomper Hat

$ 0.02

Surly Bogstomper Nets

$ 0.01

Arcane Infestation Back

$ 0.01

Arcane Infestation Candles

$ 0.03

Arcane Infestation Head

$ 0.05

Arcane Infestation Legs

$ 0.01

Arcane Infestation Spiderling

$ 0.01

Dark Realm Oracles Armor

$ 0.02

Dark Realm Oracles Belt

$ 0.01

Dark Realm Oracles Ghost

$ 0.00

Dark Realm Oracles Mask

$ 0.01

Dark Realm Oracles Skirt

$ 0.01

Dark Realm Oracles Wraps

$ 0.01

Frostglade Familiar Armor

$ 0.04

Frostglade Familiar Bow

$ 0.01

Frostglade Familiar Cape

$ 0.01

Frostglade Familiar Hat

$ 0.07

Frostglade Familiar Legs

$ 0.01

Frostglade Familiar Quiver

$ 0.01

Frostglade Familiar Sleeves

$ 0.01

Patterns of the Pristine Armor

$ 0.06

Patterns of the Pristine Bracers

$ 0.02

Patterns of the Pristine Eidelons

$ 0.03

Patterns of the Pristine Mask

$ 0.10

Fury of the Damned Armor

$ 0.10

Fury of the Damned Belt

$ 0.13

Fury of the Damned Brush

$ 0.01

Fury of the Damned Mask

$ 0.11

Owlwatch Commander Helm

$ 0.02

Owlwatch Commander Missile

$ 0.01

Owlwatch Commander Propeller

$ 0.03

Owlwatch Commander Stern

$ 0.06

Owlwatch Commander Wings

$ 0.01

Sinister Shadow Arms

$ 0.01

Sinister Shadow Back

$ 0.03

Sinister Shadow Head

$ 0.02

Sinister Shadow Healing Ward

$ 0.01

Sinister Shadow Legs

$ 0.02

Sinister Shadow Weapon

$ 0.01

Belt of the Brine Lords

$ 0.03

Boots of the Brine Lords

$ 0.02

Decor of the Brine Lords

$ 0.02

Gloves of the Brine Lords

$ 0.03

Hat of the Brine Lords

$ 0.09

Jacket of the Brine Lords

$ 0.06

Sword of the Brine Lords

$ 0.03

Wheel of the Brine Lords

$ 0.03

Crimsonwing Slayer Belt

$ 0.01

Crimsonwing Slayer Bracers

$ 0.01

Crimsonwing Slayer Helm

$ 0.01

Crimsonwing Slayer Shoulders

$ 0.00

Crimsonwing Slayer Weapon

$ 0.00

Crimsonwing Slayer Wings

$ 0.04

Jester King Arms

$ 0.02

Jester King Back

$ 0.00

Jester King Head

$ 0.01

Jester King Shoulder

$ 0.01

Jester King Tail

$ 0.01

Jester King Weapon

$ 0.01

The Leech Queen Armor

$ 0.02

The Leech Queen Head

$ 0.01

The Leech Queen Legs

$ 0.01

The Leech Queen Off-Hand

$ 0.01

The Leech Queen Weapon

$ 0.01

Plague Baron Collar

$ 0.01

Plague Baron Hat

$ 0.01

Plague Baron Skirt

$ 0.04

Plague Baron Wand

$ 0.03

Plague Baron Wings

$ 0.04

Frightful Revelries Bracers

$ 0.01

Frightful Revelries Hood

$ 0.11

Frightful Revelries Legs

$ 0.06

Frightful Revelries Tail

$ 0.01

Frightful Revelries Wings

$ 0.02

Bottomfeeder Abdomen

$ 0.01

Bottomfeeder Carapace

$ 0.01

Bottomfeeder Jaws

$ 0.01

Bottomfeeder Piercers

$ 0.01

Eye of the Fateweaver Armor

$ 0.17

Eye of the Fateweaver Back

$ 0.07

Eye of the Fateweaver Hood

$ 0.01

Eye of the Fateweaver Orb

$ 0.01

Blissful Knave Coat

$ 0.15

Blissful Knave Dagger

$ 0.06

Blissful Knave Hat

$ 0.03

Blissful Knave Rapier

$ 0.06

Belt of the Red Sands

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Red Sands

$ 0.01

Necklace of the Red Sands

$ 0.00

Spear of the Red Sands

$ 0.01

Turban of the Red Sands

$ 0.01

Kitestar Splendor Beak

$ 0.01

Kitestar Splendor Supernova

$ 0.03

Kitestar Splendor Wings

$ 0.04

Candy Cat Arms

$ 0.06

Candy Cat Back

$ 0.09

Candy Cat Belt

$ 0.19

Candy Cat Head

$ 0.17

Candy Cat Off-Hand

$ 0.05

Candy Cat Shoulder

$ 0.03

Candy Cat Weapon

$ 0.05

Plagueroad Apothacary Back

$ 0.01

Plagueroad Apothacary Cape

$ 0.02

Plagueroad Apothacary Mask

$ 0.10

Plagueroad Apothacary Staff

$ 0.02

Twilight Effigy Armor

$ 0.03

Twilight Effigy Arms

$ 0.04

Twilight Effigy Head

$ 0.02

Thornwatch Arms

$ 0.02

Thornwatch Belt

$ 0.02

Thornwatch Hat

$ 0.03

Thornwatch Pauldrons

$ 0.06

Thornwatch Weapon

$ 0.09

Thornwatch Wings

$ 0.01

Witch Hunt Arms

$ 0.01

Witch Hunt Cape

$ 0.01

Witch Hunt Hat

$ 0.01

Witch Hunt Pauldrons

$ 0.01

Witch Hunt Weapon

$ 0.00

Swamp Terror Arms

$ 0.02

Swamp Terror Belt

$ 0.03

Swamp Terror Buoy

$ 0.01

Swamp Terror Fins

$ 0.00

Swamp Terror Head

$ 0.03

Swamp Terror Weapon

$ 0.01

Dark Meadow Massacre Armor

$ 0.03

Dark Meadow Massacre Arms

$ 0.01

Dark Meadow Massacre Golem

$ 0.03

Dark Meadow Massacre Head

$ 0.06

Sunken Snapper Head

$ 0.00

Sunken Snapper Tail

$ 0.01

Sunken Snapper Wings

$ 0.02

Praetor of Royal Souls Armor

$ 0.02

Praetor of Royal Souls Familiar

$ 0.01

Praetor of Royal Souls Head

$ 0.01

Cunning Cultivations Belt

$ 0.02

Cunning Cultivations Mask

$ 0.09

Cunning Cultivations Pumpkin

$ 0.01

Cunning Cultivations Shoulder

$ 0.01

Cunning Cultivations Staff

$ 0.01

Cunning Cultivations Ward

$ 0.17

Razil's Revitalizer

$ 0.50

Shadows of the Forgotten Plane

$ 9.99

Night Terrors

$ 1.90

Edge of Extinction

$ 0.34

Feast of the Unwilling

$ 0.41

Surly Bogstomper

$ 0.28

Arcane Infestation

$ 0.34

Agony of Endless Days

$ 2.02

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass

$ 2.65

Dark Realm Oracles

$ 0.28

Whispers of the Damned

$ 2.06

Frostglade Familiar

$ 1.77

Gambits of Nishai

$ 3.48

Darkwood Witness

$ 3.88

Patterns of the Pristine

$ 1.99

Fury of the Damned

$ 0.59

Owlwatch Commander

$ 0.29

Provocation of Ruin

$ 79.73

Sinister Shadow

$ 0.89

Vengeance of the Brine Lords

$ 1.82

Crimsonwing Slayer

$ 0.29

Scorn of the Winged Sentinel

$ 12.90

Arena Champion

$ 3.58

Jester King

$ 0.28

The Leech Queen

$ 0.33

Plague Baron

September 28, 2020

Frightful Revelries

$ 0.32


$ 0.28

Eye of the Fateweaver

$ 0.42

Blissful Knave

$ 0.59

Wraith of the Red Sands

$ 0.28

Kitestar Splendor

$ 0.28

Candy Cat

$ 3.89

Menace of the Forlorn Maze

$ 1.96

Hunger of the Howling Wilds

$ 7.50

Plagueroad Apothacary

$ 1.07

Twilight Effigy

$ 1.32


$ 0.43

Shadow in the Deep

$ 122.94

Desert Burn

$ 81.26

Tales of the Ardalan Interdictor

$ 190.71

Witch Hunt

$ 0.43

Bombtrails and Boomsticks

$ 2.84

Chasm of the Broken Code

$ 3.96

Swamp Terror

$ 0.40

Blackshield Protodrone

$ 11.44

Dark Meadow Massacre

$ 1.52

The Hallows Within Bundle

$ 34.90

Contessa's Creed

$ 3.10

Sunken Snapper

$ 0.28

Praetor of Royal Souls

$ 0.28

Bindings of the Spiteful Djinn

$ 2.15

Cunning Cultivations

$ 0.74