Pre-Purchase Warhammer: Treasure of the Old World
Pre-Purchase Warhammer: Treasure of the Old World



Rarity stats



Eternal Bracers of the Daemon Prince


Eternal Hellblade of the Daemon Prince


Eternal Horns of the Daemon Prince


Eternal Ornate Belt of the Daemon Prince


Eternal Pauldrons of the Daemon Prince

$ 7.14

Eternal Tail of the Daemon Prince


Eternal Wings of the Daemon Prince


Waaagh Armguards of Big 'Un

$ 0.10

Waaagh Cap of Little Big 'Un

$ 0.35

Waaagh Flask of Little Big 'Un

$ 0.20

Waaagh Garb of Little Big 'Un

$ 0.16

Waaagh Hatchets of Big 'Un

$ 0.15

Waaagh Helm of Big 'Un

$ 0.29

Waaagh Spaulders of Big 'Un

$ 0.24

Chieftain Axes of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.30

Chieftain Belt of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.55

Chieftain Guard of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.12

Chieftain Helm of the Chaos Wastes

$ 2.78

Chieftain Raven of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.25

Chieftain Vambraces of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.30

Chieftain Warhound of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.35

Ancient Abdomen of the Arachnarok

$ 0.15

Ancient Arachnarok Spiderling

$ 0.07

Ancient Crown of the Arachnarok

$ 0.23

Ancient Legs of the Arachnarok

$ 0.38

Ancient Pedipalps of the Arachnarok

$ 0.55

Eternal Armor of the Chaos Chosen

$ 1.25

Eternal Axe of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.06

Eternal Barding of the Chaos Chosen

$ 5.74

Eternal Belt of the Chaos Chosen

$ 1.84

Eternal Bracers of the Chaos Chosen

$ 2.71

Eternal Helm of the Chaos Chosen

$ 1.17

Eternal Tail of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.69

Arc of Warlord Skarsnik

$ 0.08

Bracers of Warlord Skarsnik

$ 0.13

Headdress of Warlord Skarsnik

$ 0.44

Prodder of Warlord Skarsnik

$ 0.07

Shoulders of Warlord Skarsnik

$ 0.40

Warlord's Gobbla

$ 0.62

Iron Artillery of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.02

Iron Helm of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.19

Iron Hull of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.13

Iron Missile of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.03

Iron Turret of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.58

Lich Guise of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.58

Lich Robe of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.49

Lich Scythe of the Master Necromancer

$ 5.61

Lich Sleeves of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.52

Plague Belt of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.09

Plague Bracers of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.05

Plague Cleaver of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.23

Plague Hatchet of the Nurgle Champion

$ 2.11

Plague Helm of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.68

Plague Orifice of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.15

Plague Shoulder of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.14

Armguards of the Longbeard Dwarf Engineer

$ 1.20

Blunderbuss of the Longbeard Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.41

Cape of the Longbeard Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.10

Helm of the Longbeard Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.62

Spaulder of the Longbeard Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.17

Noble Crown of Frostheart

$ 0.04

Noble Wings of Frostheart

$ 3.48

Axe of the Warboss

$ 0.01

Belt of the Warboss

$ 0.02

Bracers of the Warboss

$ 0.02

Mask of the Warboss

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Warboss

$ 0.06

Waaagh Big 'Un

$ 3.72

Supreme Black Orc Warboss

$ 12.63

Marauder Chieftain of the Chaos Wastes

$ 4.65

Ancient Arachnarok

$ 3.04

Eternal Chaos Chosen

$ 14.27

Warlord Skarsnik and Gobbla

$ 11.72

Eternal Daemon Prince of Khorne

$ 77.40

Iron Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 1.63

Lich Master Necromancer

$ 11.10

Plague Champion of Nurgle

$ 8.12

Longbeard Dwarf Engineer

$ 6.69

Noble Frostheart

$ 17.80