Treasure of the Crucible Jewel II
Treasure of the Crucible Jewel II



Rarity stats



Rider of Avarice Cape

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Shoulders

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Sword

$ 0.01

Flask of the Convicts

$ 0.00

Gauntlets of the Convicts

$ 0.00

Mohawk of the Convicts

$ 0.01

Suit of the Convicts

$ 0.00

Acolyte of Vengeance Belt

$ 0.01

Acolyte of Vengeance Bracers

$ 0.01

Acolyte of Vengeance Shoulder Guards

$ 0.01

Armor of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.00

Belt of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.00

Hair of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Arm Guard of the Ram's Head

$ 0.01

Belt of the Ram's Head

$ 0.01

Firestarter Fuel Cannister

$ 0.01

Firestarter Gas Pump

$ 0.01

Tribal Terror Bracers

$ 0.00

Tribal Terror Dreadlocks

$ 0.01

Tribal Terror Offhand

$ 0.01

Tribal Terror Weapon

$ 0.00

Armor of the Hunter

$ 0.00

Pistol Blade of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Nightwatch

$ 0.01

Lantern of the Nightwatch

$ 0.02

Armguard of the Warbringer

$ 0.01

Barding of the Warbringer

$ 0.01

Belt of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Belt of the Warbringer

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Shields of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Tail of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Tail of the Warbringer

$ 0.01

Blade of Discord

$ 0.01

Hellish Maw Spaulders

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of Discord

$ 0.02

Shield of Screaming Souls

$ 0.01

Scorched Fletcher Bow

$ 0.01

Scorched Fletcher Pauldrons

$ 0.00

Scorched Fletcher Quiver

$ 0.01

Battletrap Bullet Flare

$ 0.01

Warcog Blaster Shell

$ 0.00

Warcog Body Armor

$ 0.00

Greaves of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.00

Wraps of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom Scarf

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Dress

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Scarf

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Veil

$ 0.01

Scarf of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Tempest's Wrath Armor

$ 0.00

Tempest's Wrath Bracers

$ 0.01

Tempest's Wrath Crown

$ 0.04

Arms of Eternal Fire

$ 0.01

Belt of Eternal Fire

$ 0.01

Blade of Eternal Fire

$ 0.00

Sternites of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.00

Tail of Eternal Fire

$ 0.00

Pauldrons of the Blazing Superiority

$ 0.01

Skirt of the Blazing Superiority

$ 0.01

Sword of the Blazing Superiority

$ 0.00

Boots of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Boots of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Cape of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Armor of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Shield of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Bracers

$ 0.00

Worldforger's Shoulders

$ 0.00

Amberlight Armlets

$ 0.01

Amberlight Spear

$ 0.01

Belt of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Bracers of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.00

Crucible of Light's Robes

$ 0.00

Crucible of Light's Vestiments

$ 0.00

The Crucible of Light Staff

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Bracers

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Shoulders

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Errant Soldier

$ 0.01

Spear of the Errant Soldier

$ 0.00

Belt of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.01

Belt of the Transmuted Armaments

$ 0.00

Everlasting Belt

$ 0.00

Infernal Wings Flare

$ 0.01

Glaive of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.00

Pauldrons of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.01

Rider's Eclipse Glaive

$ 0.01

Rider's Eclipse Shield

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Shield

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Weapon

$ 0.01

Belt of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Defender's Bracers

$ 0.01

Defender's Shanker

$ 0.01

Strength Horn of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Crystal Scavenger's Digging Gloves

$ 0.01

Crystal Scavenger's Reinforced Pads

$ 0.01

Crescent Bracers

$ 0.01

Crescent Quiver

$ 0.01

Crescent Shoulder

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Bow

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Gloves

$ 0.01

Snowstorm Hood

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Beads

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Crest

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Trails

$ 0.01

Angler Tail of the Deep

$ 0.01

Armor of the Deep

$ 0.00

Cutlass of the Consuming Tides

$ 0.01

Offhand Cutlass of the Consuming Tides

$ 0.00

Beard of the Father

$ 0.01

Mighty Horns of the Father

$ 0.01

Primeval Bracers

$ 0.00

Primeval Shoulder

$ 0.00

Wrist Guards of the Father

$ 0.01

Hood of the Heretic

$ 0.17

Mantle of the Heretic

$ 0.02

Shroud of Ka

$ 0.05

Coiffure of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.00

Armor of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.00

Obsidian Guard Armor

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Helm

$ 0.01

Wings of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.00

Belt of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Cape of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Carreau's Deception

$ 0.01

Carreau's Honor

$ 0.00

Dragonterror Belt

$ 0.01

Dragonterror Cape

$ 0.01

Bindings of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.00

Humble Drifter Oar

$ 0.01

Horns of the Eternal Nymph

$ 0.01

Ancipitous Strike of the Parasol's Sting

$ 0.00

Crimson Agony

$ 0.01

Horns of the Dark Angel

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Frozen Blood

$ 0.01

Cape of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.01

Dagger of the Frozen Blood Off-Hand

$ 0.02

Dagger of the Frozen Blood

$ 0.02

Golden Siblings Dagger

$ 0.01

Golden Siblings Offhand

$ 0.00

Heir's Gift

$ 0.01

True Crow's Bite

$ 0.01

True Crow's Talon

$ 0.00

True Crow's Wings

$ 0.01

Bracers of Aeol Drias

$ 0.00

Bracers of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Glaive of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Headgear of Aeol Drias

$ 0.00

Mantle of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Threads of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Bound Shark Flippers

$ 0.02

Carapace of the Ocean Conqueror

$ 0.02

Gauntlet of the Ocean Conqueror

$ 0.14

Prison Buckler

$ 0.01

Heavy Cloak of the Keen Machine

$ 0.00

Heavy Plates of the Keen Machine

$ 0.01

Lucky Bullet of the Keen Machine

$ 0.01

Thud-Gun of the Keen Machine

$ 0.00

Bracer of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.00

Shadow of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.00

Heavenly General Hat

$ 0.01

Heavenly General Shoulders

$ 0.00

Belt of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Drape of a Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.00

Sleeves of the Hidden Flower

$ 0.01

Arm Fins of the Deepweed Drowner

$ 0.01

Belt of the Deepweed Drowner

$ 0.01

Wrecking Ball

$ 0.01

Claw of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Cockpit of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Reactive Armor of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Saw of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Embrace of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.00

Stride of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.00

Dreadhawk Blade

$ 0.01

Dreadhawk Headdress

$ 0.01

Leggings of the Banished Princess

$ 0.01

Acidic Tail of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Cloak of Tranquility

$ 0.00

Quiver of Tranquility

$ 0.01

Armor of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Cape of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Year Beast

$ 0.00

Pauldron of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Year Beast

$ 0.00

Scabbard of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Double Edge of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Warcog Electro Zapper

$ 0.00

Helm of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Crown

$ 0.01

Loyal Slave of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Everlasting Hair

$ 0.01

Crescent Bow

$ 0.01

Crown of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.00

Great Helm of the Deep

$ 0.01

Primeval Staff

$ 0.01

Wings of Ka

$ 0.08

Claws of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.01

Shield of the Tribunal

$ 0.00

Acidic Ward of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Rider of Avarice Mount

$ 0.01

Helmet of the Convicts

$ 0.01

Acolyte of Vengeance Mask

$ 0.12

Offhand Blade of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Ram's Head

$ 0.00

Flame Bat

$ 0.01

Tribal Terror Headdress

$ 0.01

Hat of the Hunter

$ 0.02

Rifle Blade of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Cape of the Nightwatch

$ 0.03

Helm of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Helm of the Warbringer

$ 0.01


$ 0.00


$ 0.02

Scorched Fletcher Helm

$ 0.00

Battletrap Battlehelm

$ 0.01

Warcog Metal Mask

$ 0.01

Totems of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.00

Chiroptera of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom Hairdress

$ 0.01

Spirits of the Mourning Mother

$ 0.00

Blitzy the Stormrunner

$ 0.00


$ 0.01

Static Lord's Generator

$ 0.00

Helm of Eternal Fire

$ 0.01

Visage of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.01

Shield of the Blazing Superiority

$ 0.01

Bow of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.03

Bow of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Helmet of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Mask of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Totem of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Spires

$ 0.00

Amberlight Hood

$ 0.01

Hair of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01


$ 0.00

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Helmet

$ 0.01

Cowl of the Errant Soldier

$ 0.01

Standards of the Errant Soldier

$ 0.00

Prongs of the Afflicted Soul

$ 0.01

Spines of the Afflicted Soul

$ 0.02

Helmet of the Transmuted Armaments

$ 0.00

Mask of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Everlasting Tails

$ 0.00

Robe of Smoldering Journey

$ 0.01

Infernal Wings Mace

$ 0.01

Infernal Wings

$ 0.00

Circlet of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.00

Messenger of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.01

Rider's Eclipse Pauldrons

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Mount

$ 0.01

Defender's Armor

$ 0.01

Long Hair of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.00

Crystal Scavenger's Augmented Mace

$ 0.01

Crystal Scavenger's Galvanic Mining Headware

$ 0.01

Jinky the Lion

$ 0.00


$ 0.00

Snowstorm Mantle

$ 0.01

Stellar Jade Mask

$ 0.01

Clasp of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.01

Cowl of the Consuming Tides

$ 0.00

Vitality Blade of the Deep

$ 0.01

Children of Verodicia

$ 0.01

Primeval Cape

$ 0.00

Primeval Treant

$ 0.00

Staff of the Father

$ 0.00

Beard of the Heretic

$ 0.01

Moldering Mask of Ka

$ 0.06

Scythe of Ka

$ 0.03

Carapace of the Writhing Executioner

$ 0.00

Helm of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.00

Sovereign of the Exocorp

$ 0.00

Sovereign of the Menacing Guise

$ 0.01

Hammer of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.01

Key of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Wings

$ 0.00

Carreau's Tradition

$ 0.01

Dragonterror Sword

$ 0.01

Helm of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter Garb

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter Hat

$ 0.01

Staff of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.01

Wings of the Eternal Nymph

$ 0.01

Veil of the Parasol's Sting

$ 0.01

Wings of Royal Ascension

$ 0.01

Wings of the Dark Angel

$ 0.01

Heir's Glance

$ 0.00

Horns of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.02

Horns of the Frozen Blood

$ 0.01

Smoke Bomb of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.04

True Crow's Ward

$ 0.01

Buckler of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Edge of the Final Utterance

$ 0.35

Glaive of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Pauldron of the Ocean Conqueror

$ 0.13

Shark Cowl

$ 0.06

Cyclopean Helm of the Keen Machine

$ 0.01

Blade of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.01

Heavenly General Armor

$ 0.00

Pauldron of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Dress of the Onyx Lotus

$ 0.01

Veil of the Hidden Flower

$ 0.01

Blades of the Baleful Hollow

$ 0.01

Form of the Baleful Hollow

$ 0.02

Head Fins of the Deepweed Drowner

$ 0.01

Top Hat of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Canopy of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.01

Dreadhawk Harness

$ 0.01

Style of the Banished Princess

$ 0.01

Umbral Duty

$ 0.01

Umbral Virtue

$ 0.01

Acidic Wings of the Hydra

$ 0.01

Sentry of Tranquility

$ 0.01

Armor of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Sword of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice Helmet

$ 0.01

Kopesh of the Convicts

$ 0.01

Spiked Shoulder of the Convicts

$ 0.00

Acolyte of Vengeance Armor

$ 0.01

Acolyte of Vengeance Offhand

$ 0.01

Acolyte of Vengeance Weapon

$ 0.01

Blade of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Witch Hunter

$ 0.01

Mask of the Ram's Head

$ 0.01

Ram's Head Blade

$ 0.01

Firestarter Gas Mask

$ 0.01

Tribal Terror Belt

$ 0.01

Tribal Terror Cape

$ 0.01

Cape of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Shuriken of the Hunter

$ 0.01

Hat of the Nightwatch

$ 0.03

Nightwatch Keys to the City

$ 0.01

Armor of the Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.01

Armor of the Warbringer

$ 0.01

Relentless Warbringer's Decapitator

$ 0.00

Armlet of Discord

$ 0.00

Bone Splitter

$ 0.00

Caged Fury

$ 0.01

Helm of Discord

$ 0.00

Scorched Fletcher Gloves

$ 0.00

Battletrap Armor

$ 0.01

Battletrap Battle Cog

$ 0.00

Battletrap Battlewrench

$ 0.00

Warcog Trench Digger

$ 0.01

Crown of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Imperial Relics

$ 0.01

Collar of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.00

Fatal Blossom Nails

$ 0.01

Fatal Blossom Robe

$ 0.00

Fatal Blossom Skirt

$ 0.01

Mourning Mother's Top

$ 0.01

Skirt of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Tresses of the Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.01

Hammer of the Static Lord

$ 0.01

Tempest's Wrath Back

$ 0.00

Tempest's Wrath Hammer

$ 0.00

Armor of Eternal Fire

$ 0.00

Echo of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.00

Scales of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.00

Spaulders of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.00

Tail of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.01

Wings of Eternal Fire

$ 0.00

Wings of Incandescent Liturgy

$ 0.00

Helmet of the Blazing Superiority

$ 0.01

Vambrace of the Blazing Superiority

$ 0.01

Cape of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Guards of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Eldwurm's Touch

$ 0.01

Quiver of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.01

Hammer of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Horns of the World Splitter

$ 0.01

Worldforger's Anvil

$ 0.00

Amberlight Sarong

$ 0.00

Amberlight Shawl

$ 0.00

Cape of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Shoulders of Cadenza Magic Master

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible Blade

$ 0.01

Arms of the Onyx Crucible War Banners

$ 0.00

Pauldrons of the Errant Soldier

$ 0.00

Cord of the Afflicted Soul

$ 0.01

Growths of the Afflicted Soul

$ 0.01

Blades of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Claws of the Transmuted Armaments

$ 0.01

Spikes of the Transmuted Armaments

$ 0.01

Wraps of the Bloody Ripper

$ 0.00

Bracers of Smoldering Journey

$ 0.01

Diadem of Smoldering Journey

$ 0.01

Everlasting Arms

$ 0.00

Shawl of Smoldering Journey

$ 0.03

Infernal Wings Claw

$ 0.00

Infernal Wings Jaw

$ 0.00

Rider's Eclipse Helm

$ 0.01

Shield of the Azure Constellation

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Hair

$ 0.01

Umbra Rider Shoulders

$ 0.01

Bracers the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Defender's Helmet

$ 0.01

Defender's Horn

$ 0.01

Spear of the Engulfing Spike

$ 0.01

Crystal Scavenger's Transducing Contraption

$ 0.01

Crescent Skirt

$ 0.01

Crescent Style

$ 0.00

Snowstorm Quiver

$ 0.00

Snowstorm Skirt and Scarf

$ 0.00

Clarity Blade of the Deep

$ 0.01

Cutlass of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.01

Guard of the Consuming Tides

$ 0.00

Offhand Cutlass of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.01

Scales of the Consuming Tides

$ 0.00

Scales of the Iceborn Trinity

$ 0.00

Braid of the Father

$ 0.01

Primeval Beard

$ 0.01

Primeval Horns

$ 0.01

Verdant Shawl of the Father

$ 0.00

Scythe of the Heretic

$ 0.01

Armor of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.00

Crest of the Writhing Executioner

$ 0.00

Guard of Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.00

Sovereign of the Colossal Blades

$ 0.01

Tail of the Writhing Executioner

$ 0.00

Talons of the Writhing Executioner

$ 0.01

Armguards of the Stalwart

$ 0.00

Plate of the Stalwart Soul

$ 0.00

Head of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.01

Obsidian Guard Scepter

$ 0.00

Blade of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Carreau's Agony

$ 0.00

Carreau's Etiquette

$ 0.00

Dragonterror Armor

$ 0.01

Dragonterror Helmet

$ 0.00

Shoulders of the Sacrosanct

$ 0.01

Girdle of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.00

Humble Drifter Bracers

$ 0.01

Humble Drifter Pants

$ 0.01

Shoulder Guard of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.00

Tail of the Eternal Nymph

$ 0.01

Crown of Sanguine Royalty

$ 0.01

Dagger of the Dark Angel

$ 0.00

Ferronniere of the Parasol's Sting

$ 0.00

Jabot of the Parasol's Sting

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Dark Angel

$ 0.00

Vestments of Sanguine Royalty

$ 0.00

Armor of the Frozen Blood

$ 0.00

Backslicer of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.01

Blinkcutter of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.02

Bracers of Monstrous Reprisal

$ 0.01

Heir's Cover

$ 0.01

Heir's Steps

$ 0.01

Tail of the Frozen Blood

$ 0.01

True Crow's Pelt

$ 0.00

True Crow's Vision

$ 0.01

Drapes of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Final Utterance

$ 0.02

Helmet of the Tribunal

$ 0.01

Pauldrons of the Final Utterance

$ 0.03

Prow of the Final Utterance

$ 0.05

Shield of the Final Utterance

$ 0.01

Tassets of the Final Utterance

$ 0.05

Tunic of Aeol Drias

$ 0.01

Crown of the Ocean Conqueror

$ 0.01

Prison Shank

$ 0.01

Shark Fin Cape

$ 0.05

Tusk of the Ocean Conqueror

$ 0.05

Helm of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.01

Shoulders of the Volatile Firmament

$ 0.01

Blade of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Gauntlet of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.00

Helm of the Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.01

Armor of the Onyx Lotus

$ 0.01

Guards of the Hidden Flower

$ 0.02

Hair of the Onyx Lotus

$ 0.00

Horns of the Baleful Hollow

$ 0.00

Plate of the Baleful Hollow

$ 0.03

Wings of the Baleful Hollow

$ 0.01

Back Fins of the Deepweed Drowner

$ 0.01


$ 0.00

Pauldrons of the Steam Chopper

$ 0.01

Countenance of the Agaric Flourish

$ 0.01

Cape of the Banished Princess

$ 0.00

Dreadhawk Leggings

$ 0.01

Umbral Glaive

$ 0.02

Umbral Skirt

$ 0.01

Weapon of the Banished Princess

$ 0.00

Acidic Mandible of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Acidic Tentacles of the Hydra

$ 0.00

Bow of Tranquility

$ 0.00

Braid of Tranquility

$ 0.00

Blade of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Gauntlets of the Sundered King

$ 0.00

Helm of the Sundered King

$ 0.01

Locks of the Year Beast

$ 0.01

Rider of Avarice

$ 0.17

The Convicts' Trophies

$ 3.47

Acolyte of Vengeance

$ 0.60

The Witch Hunter

$ 0.53

The Ram's Head Armaments

February 11, 2015


$ 0.13

Tribal Terror

$ 0.36

Hunter with No Name

$ 1.23

Debts of the Nightwatchman

$ 12.96

Relentless Warbringer

$ 5.47

Unbroken Stallion

$ 0.26

Champion of Discord

$ 0.29

Rising Chaos

$ 0.14

Scorched Fletcher

$ 0.17


$ 0.15


$ 0.12

Imperial Relics

$ 0.22

Fatal Blossom

$ 0.15

Ghastly Matriarch

$ 0.11

The Mourning Mother

$ 0.03

Static Lord

$ 0.36

Tempest's Wrath

$ 3.92

Eternal Fire

$ 0.11

Incandescent Liturgy

$ 2.44

The Blazing Superiority

$ 7.85

Eldwurm's Touch

$ 2.47

Guise of the Winged Bolt

$ 0.16

The World Splitter

$ 0.03


$ 0.34

Amberlight Raiment

$ 4.83

Cadenza Magic Master

$ 1.97

Crucible of Light

$ 2.66

Arms of the Onyx Crucible

$ 0.25

Errant Soldier

December 9, 2014

Oath of the Afflicted Soul

$ 10.98

Bloody Ripper

$ 0.25

Transmuted Armaments

$ 0.25

Everlasting Heat

$ 0.15

Smoldering Journey

$ 3.81

Legacy of Infernal Wings

$ 0.71

Azure Constellation

$ 0.03

Rider's Eclipse

$ 8.30

Umbra Rider

$ 0.14

Defender of Matriarch

$ 4.52

Engulfing Spike

$ 0.65

Crystal Scavenger

May 9, 2014


$ 0.06

Snowstorm Huntress

$ 0.64

Stellar Jade

$ 0.52

Garb of the Consuming Tides

$ 0.15

Iceborn Trinity

$ 1.15

Treasure of the Deep

June 5, 2014

Father of the Forest

$ 0.09

Primeval Prophet

$ 0.33

Robes of the Heretic

$ 16.27

Wrath of Ka

November 10, 2014

Cicatrix Regalia

$ 0.15

Sovereign of the Hive

February 16, 2015

Writhing Executioner

March 17, 2015

Armor of the Stalwart Soul

$ 2.39

Obsidian Guard

$ 0.12

Sentinel of the Lucent Gate

$ 0.36

Dame de Carreau

$ 0.56


May 26, 2014

Raiments of the Sacrosanct

$ 1.60

Humble Drifter

$ 0.59

Vestments of the Infinite Waves

$ 0.05

Eternal Nymph

$ 0.14

Dark Angel

$ 0.09

Regalia of the Parasol's Sting

$ 1.09

Sanguine Royalty

$ 0.27

Frozen Blood

$ 7.27

Monstrous Reprisal

$ 2.04

Rightful Heir

$ 0.15

The True Crow

$ 0.03

Heirlooms of Aeol Drias

$ 0.42

Tools of the Final Utterance

$ 9.48

Whisper of the Tribunal

April 21, 2014

Dark Reef Escape

$ 3.75

Ocean Conqueror

$ 11.98

Keen Machine

$ 0.13

Volatile Firmament

$ 0.95

Heavenly General

$ 0.08

The Fiend Cleaver

$ 0.41

Hidden Flower

September 16, 2014

Onyx Lotus

February 24, 2015

Baleful Hollow

$ 1.65

Deepweed Drowner

$ 0.68

Steam Chopper

$ 0.06

Agaric Flourish

September 29, 2014

Blessing of the Crested Umbra

$ 9.13

Dreadhawk Armor

$ 0.40

Resentment of the Banished Princess

$ 0.18

Acid Hydra

$ 0.29

Array of Tranquility

$ 0.73

Aspect of the Year Beast

$ 0.87

Relics of the Sundered King

$ 0.71