Warhammer: Treasure of the Old World
Warhammer: Treasure of the Old World



Rarity stats



Bracers of the Daemon Prince

$ 0.07

Hellblade of the Daemon Prince

$ 1.67

Horns of the Daemon Prince

$ 4.12

Ornate Belt of the Daemon Prince

$ 0.69

Pauldrons of the Daemon Prince

$ 1.10

Tail of the Daemon Prince

$ 0.08

Wings of the Daemon Prince

$ 0.48

Supreme Axe of the Warboss

$ 0.80

Supreme Belt of the Warboss

$ 2.94

Supreme Bracers of the Warboss

$ 1.51

Supreme Mask of the Warboss

$ 0.44

Supreme Pauldrons of the Warboss

$ 2.25

Guise of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.01

Robe of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.01

Scythe of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.01

Sleeves of the Master Necromancer

$ 0.01

Armguards of Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Cap of Little Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Flask of Little Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Garb of Little Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Hatchets of Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Helm of Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Spaulders of Big 'Un

$ 0.01

Axes of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.00

Belt of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.01

Guard of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.01

Helm of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.01

Raven of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.01

Vambraces of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.01

Warhound of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.01

Abdomen of the Arachnarok

$ 0.01

Arachnarok Spiderling

$ 0.00

Crown of the Arachnarok

$ 0.01

Legs of the Arachnarok

$ 0.01

Pedipalps of the Arachnarok

$ 0.00

Armor of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.01

Axe of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.01

Barding of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.07

Belt of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.03

Bracers of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.03

Helm of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.05

Tail of the Chaos Chosen

$ 0.02

Arc of Skarsnik

$ 0.00

Bracers of Skarsnik

$ 0.01


$ 0.01

Headdress of Skarsnik

$ 0.01

Prodder of Skarsnik

$ 0.01

Shoulders of Skarsnik

$ 0.01

Artillery of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.00

Helm of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.01

Hull of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.01

Missile of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.01

Turret of the Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.01

Belt of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.01

Bracers of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.01

Cleaver of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.01

Hatchet of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.02

Helm of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.01

Orifice of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.01

Shoulder of the Nurgle Champion

$ 0.01

Armguards of the Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.01

Blunderbuss of the Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.00

Cape of the Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.01

Helm of the Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.01

Spaulder of the Dwarf Engineer

$ 0.01

Crown of Frostheart

$ 0.01

Wings of Frostheart

$ 0.00

Big 'Un

$ 1.24

Black Orc Warboss

$ 1.44

Marauder of the Chaos Wastes

$ 0.99


$ 0.19

Chaos Chosen

August 22, 2016

Skarsnik and Gobbla

August 22, 2016

Daemon Prince of Khorne

$ 12.63

Dwarf Gyrocopter

$ 0.64

Master Necromancer

August 25, 2016

Champion of Nurgle

August 31, 2016

The Dwarf Engineer

$ 1.21


$ 0.39