Appearance history
The Guard of the Weeping Beast, an item of Common rarity, is presently on the market for exchange.
The Guard of the Weeping Beast, an item of Common rarity, is presently on the market for exchange.
Enveloping Bloodseeker, the Guard of the Weeping Beast emerged as a cosmetic embellishment on the 19th of June, 2015, birthed by the creative minds at Airborn_Studios.
Whilst the Guard of the Weeping Beast garners considerable acclaim amongst aficionados, its exorbitant cost renders it an infrequent spectacle in the gaming arena.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
Guard of the Weeping Beast is a part of a set
14 Total: 6 Common, 4 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 3 Mythical