Appearance history
The Winter Lineage Epoch of the Abysm, a distinctive exoskeleton for Broodmother, made its debut in the game's armory on the 30th of January, 2022. Its genesis is attributed to the artisan known as ChiZ.
The Winter Lineage Epoch of the Abysm, a distinctive exoskeleton for Broodmother, made its debut in the game's armory on the 30th of January, 2022. Its genesis is attributed to the artisan known as ChiZ.
Esteemed as Rare, the Winter Lineage Epoch of the Abysm lacks the versatility of alternative manifestations. Presently, the item remains elusive in the marketplace, unattainable for exchange or barter.
Currently, the Winter Lineage Epoch of the Abysm does not grace the echelons of sought-after skins, its presence in the virtual battlegrounds is an infrequent spectacle.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
18 Total: 9 Rare, 1 Immortal, 6 Mythical, 1 Uncommon, 1 Common