Knight of the Clock Tower Head

Knight of the Clock Tower Head








Appearance history

The visage dubbed Knight of the Clock Tower Head, a distinctive guise for the automaton Clockwerk, was inducted into the realm of the game on the 10th day of September in the year 2018. This particular aesthetic was conceived and brought to life by the artisans at VALVE.

Skin Features

Bestowed with the classification of Mythical, the Knight of the Clock Tower Head adorns the 'head' slot when donned. This armorial bearing lacks the capacity for stylistic metamorphosis. Presently, the artifact stands ready for barter and exchange.

Skin popularity

In the current epoch, the Knight of the Clock Tower Head finds itself absent from the annals of prevalent skins, its presence within the game a rarity, glimpsed but seldom amidst the clashing of heroes.

Relevant Prices for Knight of the Clock Tower Head

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.01

Included in set

Knight of the Clock Tower Head is a part of a set

Other sets for Clockwerk

22 Total: 3 Common, 1 Immortal, 10 Rare, 7 Mythical, 1 Uncommon