Appearance history
The Belt of the Jade Emissary, an adornment for Earth Spirit, emerged into the realm of the game on the sixteenth of May, 2019. Its inception is credited to the artisan known as LaughingSkyPig.
The Belt of the Jade Emissary, an adornment for Earth Spirit, emerged into the realm of the game on the sixteenth of May, 2019. Its inception is credited to the artisan known as LaughingSkyPig.
Esteemed as Mythical in rarity, the Belt of the Jade Emissary adorns the 'belt' slot when donned. It remains singular in its presentation, devoid of alternative manifestations. Currently, the item is sequestered from the sphere of trade.
In the current epoch, the Belt of the Jade Emissary garners little acclaim amongst its kin, seldom making an apparition in the gaming milieu.
Belt of the Jade Emissary is a part of a set
6 Total: 2 Rare, 3 Uncommon, 1 Mythical