Appearance history
This ensemble, known as The Dauntless Set, is categorized under the Uncommon tier, and when adorned, occupies the 'Bundle' niche. Presently, this item is procurable for exchange.
This ensemble, known as The Dauntless Set, is categorized under the Uncommon tier, and when adorned, occupies the 'Bundle' niche. Presently, this item is procurable for exchange.
Adorning the Juggernaut, The Dauntless Set entered the realm of the game on a date that remains unchronicled, birthed from the creative forge of Vermilion Wlad.
Given its recent introduction to the virtual battlegrounds, The Dauntless Set enjoys a burgeoning vogue among the gaming fellowship.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
23 Total: 6 Mythical, 1 Immortal, 11 Rare, 1 Legendary, 3 Uncommon, 1 Common