Appearance history
The visage known as Prominence is a mantle worn by the Keeper of the Light. This guise was woven into the fabric of the game on the 25th of May, 2020, a creation birthed by the hands of VALVE.
The visage known as Prominence is a mantle worn by the Keeper of the Light. This guise was woven into the fabric of the game on the 25th of May, 2020, a creation birthed by the hands of VALVE.
Prominence boasts the esteemed Immortal rarity, and upon donning, it occupies the 'weapon' niche. This skin is devoid of variant styles. Currently, the item is unfettered by restrictions and may be exchanged freely.
Presently, Prominence dwells not amongst the coveted pantheon of sought-after skins and is seldom witnessed upon the battlefield.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
14 Total: 2 Common, 1 Immortal, 1 Legendary, 5 Rare, 3 Uncommon, 2 Mythical