Appearance history
The 'Radiant Crystal Bindings Set' is categorized under the Common tier, and upon donning, it occupies the 'Bundle' niche. Presently, the article is procurable for exchange.
The 'Radiant Crystal Bindings Set' is categorized under the Common tier, and upon donning, it occupies the 'Bundle' niche. Presently, the article is procurable for exchange.
The 'Radiant Crystal Bindings Set' serves as an aesthetic alteration for the being Morphling. This embellishment was interwoven into the fabric of the game on a date that remains unchronicled, its inception attributed to the artisan Bisho Bola.
Whilst the 'Radiant Crystal Bindings Set' is esteemed among the pantheon of popular skins, its manifestation within the game is an infrequent spectacle, attributed to its exorbitant valuation.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
14 Total: 3 Mythical, 5 Rare, 3 Uncommon, 3 Common