Appearance history
The Ballad of Swiftguard emerges as an exclusive attire for Pangolier, having graced the game's wardrobe since the ides of May in 2019. Its inception springs from the imaginative well of katzeimsack.
The Ballad of Swiftguard emerges as an exclusive attire for Pangolier, having graced the game's wardrobe since the ides of May in 2019. Its inception springs from the imaginative well of katzeimsack.
Esteemed as a rarity, The Ballad of Swiftguard boasts the classification of 'Rare'. Bereft of variant guises, this skin remains elusive, shrouded in the enigma of non-tradeability at the current juncture.
In the current gaming epoch, The Ballad of Swiftguard finds itself absent from the echelons of widely acclaimed skins, its presence within the digital battlegrounds a seldom spectacle.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
6 Total: 4 Rare, 2 Mythical