Avatar of the Impossible Realm

Avatar of the Impossible Realm








Appearance history

The Avatar of the Impossible Realm, an exquisite mantle for the grand magus Rubick, made its debut in the realm of the game on the ides of May in the year 2019. Crafted by the artisan known as Graff, it stands as a testament to his skill.

Skin Features

Esteemed as Mythical in rarity, the Avatar of the Impossible Realm boasts no mutable styles. As of the current epoch, this coveted item remains beyond the grasp of commerce, eluding the marketplace.

Skin popularity

In the current climate of the game, the Avatar of the Impossible Realm finds itself shrouded in obscurity, seldom making an appearance within the grand tapestry of popular skins.

Relevant Prices for Avatar of the Impossible Realm

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Cape of the Impossible Realm
Staff of the Impossible Realm
Head of the Impossible Realm
Garb of the Impossible Realm
$ 4.96
$ 6.70
$ 20.40
$ 1.19

Other sets for Rubick

22 Total: 13 Mythical, 8 Rare, 1 Uncommon