Silent Slayer

Silent Slayer






Appearance history

Known as the Silent Slayer, this distinctive guise for the Silencer emerged into the realm of the game on the penultimate day of June in the year 2020, a creation birthed from the imaginative forge of an individual known simply as A.

Skin Features

Bestowed with the classification of Mythical, the Silent Slayer's singularity is further underscored by its lack of variant styles. As the sands of time flow, the skin remains elusive, shrouded from the possibility of exchange.

Skin popularity

In the current gaming epoch, the Silent Slayer traverses the landscape largely unnoticed, its presence a whisper among the cacophony of more prevalent skins, seldom glimpsed within the digital battlegrounds.

Other sets for Silencer

12 Total: 6 Mythical, 6 Rare