Appearance history
The Scale of Elasmyr, a distinctive sheath for Slardar, was woven into the fabric of the game on the vernal equinox of 2019, precisely March 22. Its genesis is attributed to the artisans at VALVE.
The Scale of Elasmyr, a distinctive sheath for Slardar, was woven into the fabric of the game on the vernal equinox of 2019, precisely March 22. Its genesis is attributed to the artisans at VALVE.
Enshrouded in the cloak of rarity known as Mythical, the Scale of Elasmyr boasts no mutable designs. As of the current epoch, the artifact remains beyond the reach of commerce.
In the current gaming milieu, the Scale of Elasmyr finds itself absent from the annals of coveted skins, its presence within the virtual battlegrounds a seldom spectacle.
8 Total: 4 Mythical, 4 Rare