Appearance history
The Sovereign of Gargantuans, a guise for the being known as Tiny, entered the annals of the game on the twelfth of August, in the year 2019. The architect of this marvel was none other than VALVE itself.
The Sovereign of Gargantuans, a guise for the being known as Tiny, entered the annals of the game on the twelfth of August, in the year 2019. The architect of this marvel was none other than VALVE itself.
This artifact, known as the Majesty of the Colossus, is classified as Immortal in rarity. Devoid of any mutable styles, it presently eludes the grasp of commerce and exchange.
In the current epoch, the Majesty of the Colossus finds itself absent from the compendium of coveted veneers, its presence within the game a rare spectacle indeed.
7 Total: 3 Mythical, 1 Immortal, 2 Rare, 1 Uncommon