Appearance history
The Dirgesworn Dynasty garb, a distinctive ensemble for the Undying, emerged into the virtual cosmos on the twelfth of September in the year 2018, a creation spawned from the imaginative forge of Yestar.
The Dirgesworn Dynasty garb, a distinctive ensemble for the Undying, emerged into the virtual cosmos on the twelfth of September in the year 2018, a creation spawned from the imaginative forge of Yestar.
Esteemed as a Rare find, the Dirgesworn Dynasty's fabric lacks the versatility of mutable styles. As of the current epoch, this artifact remains ensconced beyond the reach of commerce.
In the grand theater of digital skirmishes, the Dirgesworn Dynasty seldom graces the battlefield, its presence a whisper rather than a roar among the pantheon of popular skins.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
13 Total: 6 Mythical, 1 Immortal, 6 Rare