Appearance history
Enshrouded in the enigma of its Immortal rarity, the Golden Pale Mausoleum remains accessible for exchange at the present juncture.
Enshrouded in the enigma of its Immortal rarity, the Golden Pale Mausoleum remains accessible for exchange at the present juncture.
Bestowed upon Undying, the Golden Pale Mausoleum cloak graced the realm of the game on the 30th of June in the year 2014.
Amidst the pantheon of coveted veneers, the Golden Pale Mausoleum stands as a paragon of desire, albeit its manifestation within the game's theatre is as scarce as it is valued, hindered by its exalted valuation.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
3 Total: 3 Immortal