Appearance history
The Tools of the Hellsworn boast a Mythical rarity, occupying the 'Bundle' niche when adorned. Presently, this item is procurable through exchange.
The Tools of the Hellsworn boast a Mythical rarity, occupying the 'Bundle' niche when adorned. Presently, this item is procurable through exchange.
Conceived by the illustrious Sylei, the Tools of the Hellsworn serve as an aesthetic extension for the Warlock. This skin was ushered into the realm of the game on the twelfth of October, anno Domini 2015.
Having graced the game's arsenal not long ago, Tools of the Hellsworn has garnered considerable esteem amongst the gaming syndicate.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
11 Total: 7 Mythical, 4 Rare