Longbow of the Rising Gale

Longbow of the Rising Gale






Appearance history

The Longbow of the Rising Gale, a distinctive skin for Windranger, was introduced into the realm of the game on the 4th of September in the year 2020. Its inception is credited to the craftsmen at VALVE.

Skin Features

Esteemed as Arcana, the Longbow of the Rising Gale adorns the 'weapon' category when donned. This skin boasts a singular alternative style. Presently, the item is precluded from exchange.

Skin popularity

In the current epoch, the Longbow of the Rising Gale finds itself absent from the echelons of coveted skins, its presence in the game is an infrequent spectacle.

Included in set

Longbow of the Rising Gale is a part of a set

Other sets for Windranger

25 Total: 1 Arcana, 5 Common, 1 Immortal, 7 Mythical, 4 Rare, 7 Uncommon