Appearance history
The Tempest Helm of the Thundergod is classified as Arcana in rarity. Presently, this item is accessible for exchange.
The Tempest Helm of the Thundergod is classified as Arcana in rarity. Presently, this item is accessible for exchange.
The Tempest Helm of the Thundergod serves as a cosmetic enhancement for Zeus. It was on the 22nd of October, 2015, that this skin was introduced into the realm of the game.
The Tempest Helm of the Thundergod stands as a highly sought-after cosmetic item, yet its presence is a rare spectacle within the game, attributed to its exorbitant value.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
Tempest Helm of the Thundergod is a part of a set
5 Total: 1 Arcana, 1 Rare, 3 Mythical