Class of skin
Class of skin
Wear limits
Wear limits
Inspection of skin in CS 2
Here you can see the skin Galil AR | Orange DDPAT, select weapon quality and float.
Description of Orange DDPAT
Pattern description
Effect of float
Pattern difference
Skin Features
Skin popularity
Presently, the Galil AR | Orange DDPAT occupies a niche position within the pantheon of in-game aesthetics, seldom making an appearance in the digital theatre of combat.
Best stickers for Orange DDPAT
Users like these stickers for Orange DDPAT:
Relevant Prices for Galil AR
Check out the Galil AR Orange DDPAT weapon price chart. Select weapon quality, StatTrak, Souvenir below:
eSports 2013 Case
9 Total: 3 Classified, 2 Covert, 4 Restricted, 4 Mil Spec