
Appearance history

The Corruptor's classification is that of Mythical stature. Presently, the article is procurable for barter.

Skin Features

Bestowed upon Axe, the Corruptor's guise entered the fray on the nineteenth of July in the year two thousand and thirteen, a creation forged by the hand of Mech✎Bgum.

Skin popularity

Whilst the Corruptor enjoys a reputation amongst the most coveted of skins, its exorbitant value renders it a scarce spectacle within the arena.

Relevant Prices for Corruptor

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.16

Other sets for Axe

42 Total: 3 Common, 1 Immortal, 16 Rare, 11 Uncommon, 11 Mythical