Days of the Demon - Weapon

Days of the Demon - Weapon






Appearance history

In the annals of virtual armaments, the 'Days of the Demon - Weapon' emerged as a distinctive skin for the character Axe. This particular cosmetic embellishment was integrated into the digital realm on the first day of September in the year 2021, a creation attributed to the imaginative Sumers.

Skin Features

Esteemed as Mythical in rarity, the 'Days of the Demon - Weapon' skin adorns the 'weapon' slot when donned. Singular in its presentation, it boasts no alternate manifestations. Currently, this item is ensconced beyond the bounds of exchange.

Skin popularity

Presently, the 'Days of the Demon - Weapon' does not grace the echelons of widespread acclaim amongst skins, its presence within the game is an infrequent spectacle.

Included in set

Days of the Demon - Weapon is a part of a set

Other sets for Axe

42 Total: 3 Common, 1 Immortal, 16 Rare, 11 Uncommon, 11 Mythical