Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass








Appearance history

The enigmatic attire known as Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass, a garment for the enchanter Dark Seer, graced the digital realm on the sixteenth of May in the year 2020. Its inception sprang from the creative wellspring of an artisan known by the moniker Yestar.

Skin Features

Entrenched within the realm of the Mythical, the Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass boasts no mutable styles. As of the current epoch, the vestment remains elusive, shrouded from the avenues of commerce.

Skin popularity

In the ever-shifting tapestry of virtual vanity, the Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass finds itself absent from the annals of vogue, seldom making an apparition within the gaming coliseum.

Relevant Prices for Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Pauldrons
Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Head
Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Belt
Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Bracer
Keeper of Oloxicam's Glass Hourglass
$ 0.78
$ 0.28
$ 0.12
$ 0.01
$ 0.84

Other sets for Dark seer

10 Total: 5 Rare, 4 Mythical, 1 Uncommon