Appearance history
The enigmatic attire known as Dark Realm Oracles Armor, a vestment for Death Prophet, emerged within the game's pantheon on the 28th of September, 2020. Its inception springs from the creative wellspring of Sylei.
The enigmatic attire known as Dark Realm Oracles Armor, a vestment for Death Prophet, emerged within the game's pantheon on the 28th of September, 2020. Its inception springs from the creative wellspring of Sylei.
Esteemed as Rare, the Dark Realm Oracles Armor adorns the 'armor' niche upon equipping. Bereft of stylistic alternatives, the item currently resides in the realm of tradeable assets.
In the current epoch, the Dark Realm Oracles Armor garners little adulation amidst the tapestry of popular skins, its presence within the game a whisper rather than a roar.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
Dark Realm Oracles Armor is a part of a set
24 Total: 3 Common, 7 Rare, 6 Mythical, 8 Uncommon