Ire of the Unwilted Style

Ire of the Unwilted Style






Appearance history

The Ire of the Unwilted Style, a cosmetic mantle for the harbinger of silence, Death Prophet, was interwoven into the tapestry of the game on the 27th of August, 2020. Its inception is credited to the artisan known as Nateo.

Skin Features

Esteemed as Rare, the Ire of the Unwilted Style adorns the 'head' category when donned. Bereft of variant guises, the skin currently lies beyond the realm of exchange.

Skin popularity

In the current epoch, the Ire of the Unwilted Style languishes in obscurity, seldom glimpsed within the crucible of the game.

Included in set

Ire of the Unwilted Style is a part of a set

Other sets for Death prophet

29 Total: 2 Common, 1 Immortal, 5 Uncommon, 14 Rare, 7 Mythical