
Appearance history

The scarcity level of the Horns of the Bone Scryer is denoted as Rare. Presently, this artifact is procurable for bartering.

Skin Features

The Horns of the Bone Scryer serve as an embellishment for the harbinger of demise known as Death Prophet. This accoutrement was bequeathed upon the digital realm on a date that remains unchronicled, its inception attributed to the artisan known as ENODMI.

Skin popularity

While the Horns of the Bone Scryer are esteemed among connoisseurs of virtual finery, its manifestation within the game is an infrequent spectacle, attributed to its exorbitant valuation.

Relevant Prices for Horns of the Bone Scryer

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.00

Included in set

Horns of the Bone Scryer is a part of a set

Other sets for Death prophet

29 Total: 2 Common, 1 Immortal, 5 Uncommon, 14 Rare, 7 Mythical