The Corpse Maiden's Set

The Corpse Maiden's Set


Appearance history

Esteemed as Rare, 'The Corpse Maiden's Set' adorns the 'Bundle' niche. Presently, the ensemble is procurable for exchange.

Skin Features

An attire for Death Prophet, 'The Corpse Maiden's Set' was inaugurated into the realm of the game on a date that remains unchronicled.

Skin popularity

Having graced the game's arsenal not long ago, 'The Corpse Maiden's Set' enjoys a burgeoning vogue amongst the gaming fellowship.

Relevant Prices for The Corpse Maiden's Set

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Dress of the Corpse Maiden
Wicked Collar of the Corpse Maiden
Ghastly Scarf of the Corpse Maiden
$ 0.01
$ 0.01
$ 0.00

Other sets for Death prophet

24 Total: 16 Rare, 7 Mythical, 1 Common