Appearance history
The scarcity level of the Head of Portent Payload ascends to the classification of Rare. In the current climate, this particular item is procurable for bartering purposes.
The scarcity level of the Head of Portent Payload ascends to the classification of Rare. In the current climate, this particular item is procurable for bartering purposes.
The Head of Portent Payload, a distinctive covering for the Gyrocopter, made its inaugural entrance into the realm of the game on the 2nd of December in the year 2017, courtesy of the creative efforts of DNADota.
While the Head of Portent Payload enjoys a position amongst the echelons of highly sought-after skins, its manifestation within the game is an infrequent spectacle, attributed to its lofty valuation.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
Head of Portent Payload is a part of a set
13 Total: 1 Common, 4 Rare, 6 Mythical, 2 Uncommon