Appearance history
The enigmatic guise known as Capricious Fate, a garment for the elusive Phantom Assassin, emerged within the virtual realm on the 7th of February in the year 2021. Its inception is credited to the artisan known as Nobiru.
The enigmatic guise known as Capricious Fate, a garment for the elusive Phantom Assassin, emerged within the virtual realm on the 7th of February in the year 2021. Its inception is credited to the artisan known as Nobiru.
Esteemed as a collectible of Rare distinction, Capricious Fate boasts a singular alternative style. Presently, the article remains beyond the reach of exchange.
In the current epoch, Capricious Fate languishes outside the echelons of coveted skins, its presence within the game a seldom occurrence.
18 Total: 5 Mythical, 1 Legendary, 12 Rare