Appearance history
Cruel Reprisal, an attire for the enigmatic Phantom Assassin, emerged into the realm of the game on the twelfth of September in the year 2018, a creation sprung from the inventive mind of Yi.
Cruel Reprisal, an attire for the enigmatic Phantom Assassin, emerged into the realm of the game on the twelfth of September in the year 2018, a creation sprung from the inventive mind of Yi.
An item of Rare classification, Cruel Reprisal stands devoid of variant styles. Presently, the artifact remains elusive, shrouded from the domain of exchange.
In the current epoch, the Cruel Reprisal garners not the accolades of popularity, its presence within the game a whisper rather than a shout.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
18 Total: 5 Mythical, 1 Legendary, 12 Rare