Capricious Fate Weapon

Capricious Fate Weapon






Appearance history

The Capricious Fate Weapon, a distinctive guise for the Phantom Assassin, was ushered into the gaming realm on the 7th of February, 2021. Its inception is credited to the imaginative Nobiru.

Skin Features

Esteemed as Rare, the Capricious Fate Weapon adorns the 'weapon' category when donned. Devoid of variant styles, the skin, as of present, remains elusive in the marketplace for exchange.

Skin popularity

Currently, the Capricious Fate Weapon languishes outside the echelons of coveted skins, its presence in the gaming milieu is an infrequent spectacle.

Included in set

Capricious Fate Weapon is a part of a set

Other sets for Phantom assassin

31 Total: 1 Arcana, 3 Common, 1 Immortal, 1 Legendary, 13 Rare, 6 Uncommon, 6 Mythical