
Appearance history

The scarcity of Battleseeker Shoulders is cataloged as Uncommon. Presently, the item is procurable for bartering.

Skin Features

Adorning the Spirit Breaker, the Battleseeker Shoulders mantle emerged in the armory on the ninth of July, 2013, a brainchild of Cersei Lannister.

Skin popularity

Whilst Battleseeker Shoulders garners considerable admiration among connoisseurs, its exorbitant value renders it an infrequent spectacle in the fray.

Relevant Prices for Battleseeker Shoulders

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.00

Included in set

Battleseeker Shoulders is a part of a set

Other sets for Spirit breaker

16 Total: 1 Common, 7 Rare, 5 Uncommon, 3 Mythical