Vestments of the Alary Dive Boots

Vestments of the Alary Dive Boots






Appearance history

Garments known as the Vestments of the Alary Dive Boots grace the Vengeful Spirit. This particular cosmetic emerged in the digital realm on the twenty-third of September in the year 2020, a creation birthed by the imaginative entity known as freeheartex.

Skin Features

A rarity titled 'Rare' has been bestowed upon the Vestments of the Alary Dive Boots, occupying the 'legs' category upon adornment. Singular in its presentation, the skin boasts no additional styles. Presently, the prospect of exchange for this item remains a future possibility, as it is not currently available for trade.

Skin popularity

In the current epoch, the Vestments of the Alary Dive Boots find themselves absent from the echelons of commonly sought-after skins, with their presence in the virtual battlegrounds being something of a rarity.

Included in set

Vestments of the Alary Dive Boots is a part of a set

Other sets for Vengeful spirit

14 Total: 3 Common, 3 Uncommon, 5 Mythical, 3 Rare