Contessa's Creed Dress

Contessa's Creed Dress








Appearance history

The sartorial choice known as Contessa's Creed Dress, a garment for the Vengeful Spirit, was inaugurated into the digital realm on the 29th of September in the year 2020. This creation sprang from the imaginative forge of OniLolz.

Skin Features

Bearing the designation of Mythical rarity, the Contessa's Creed Dress adorns the 'legs' category when donned. Singular in its presentation, the skin lacks variant styles. Presently, the item is procurable through exchange.

Skin popularity

In the current gaming landscape, the Contessa's Creed Dress finds itself absent from the echelons of widely acclaimed skins, its presence in the virtual battlegrounds a rarity.

Relevant Prices for Contessa's Creed Dress

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.31

Included in set

Contessa's Creed Dress is a part of a set

Other sets for Vengeful spirit

14 Total: 3 Common, 3 Uncommon, 5 Mythical, 3 Rare