Appearance history
The Praetor of Royal Souls Familiar, a distinctive cosmetic mantle for Visage, made its debut in the digital armory on the sixteenth of May, 2019, thanks to the imaginative craftsmanship of Yestar.
The Praetor of Royal Souls Familiar, a distinctive cosmetic mantle for Visage, made its debut in the digital armory on the sixteenth of May, 2019, thanks to the imaginative craftsmanship of Yestar.
Esteemed as Rare, the Praetor of Royal Souls Familiar shuns the existence of variant styles. Currently, the piece is procurable for bartering.
Presently, the Praetor of Royal Souls Familiar garners little attention amidst the pantheon of skins, its presence in the virtual battlegrounds a seldom occurrence.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
Praetor of Royal Souls Familiar is a part of a set
6 Total: 1 Immortal, 3 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 1 Mythical