Appearance history
The Belt of the Spiteful Djinn, a garment for the Warlock, made its debut in the digital emporium on the sixteenth of May in the year 2020. Its inception sprang from the creative wellspring of an artisan known as Hunter.
The Belt of the Spiteful Djinn, a garment for the Warlock, made its debut in the digital emporium on the sixteenth of May in the year 2020. Its inception sprang from the creative wellspring of an artisan known as Hunter.
This item, the Belt of the Spiteful Djinn, is classified as Mythical in rarity. When adorned, it occupies the 'belt' slot within the character's inventory. Unlike some of its kin, this particular skin is devoid of variant styles. Currently, it is procurable through trade.
Presently, the Belt of the Spiteful Djinn finds itself absent from the roster of sought-after skins, its presence in the virtual battlegrounds a rare spectacle indeed.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
Belt of the Spiteful Djinn is a part of a set
10 Total: 1 Common, 4 Uncommon, 5 Mythical