Ember Tipped Carapace Set

Ember Tipped Carapace Set


Appearance history

The 'Ember Tipped Carapace Set' boasts a classification of Rare, occupying the 'Bundle' niche upon adorning. Presently, this item is procurable through trade.

Skin Features

Bestowed upon Weaver is the 'Ember Tipped Carapace Set', a skin that emerged into the virtual cosmos on an unrecorded date, birthed by the creator known as junglehermit.

Skin popularity

Given its recent introduction into the realm, the 'Ember Tipped Carapace Set' has garnered considerable acclaim amongst the gaming syndicate.

Relevant Prices for Ember Tipped Carapace Set

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Ember Tipped Carapace
Ember Tipped Striders
Ember Tipped Manipulators
Ember Tipped Antennae
$ 0.00
$ 0.01
$ 0.00
$ 0.01

Other sets for Weaver

10 Total: 3 Mythical, 7 Rare