
Appearance history

Shard of Blight holds the classification of Common. Presently, this artifact is procurable for barter.

Skin Features

Enveloped in the mantle of the Queen of Pain, Shard of Blight emerged into the realm of the game on the 5th of November, 2013, a creation sprung from the mind of Yi.

Skin popularity

As a recent addition to the virtual armory, Shard of Blight enjoys a burgeoning vogue amongst the assembly of players.

Relevant Prices for Shard of Blight

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.01

Included in set

Shard of Blight is a part of a set

Other sets for Queen of pain

19 Total: 1 Arcana, 7 Common, 2 Immortal, 4 Uncommon, 3 Rare, 2 Mythical