
Appearance history

The distinction of the Tail of Fury skin is deemed Common. Presently, the item is procurable for exchange.

Skin Features

Adorning the Spirit Breaker, the Tail of Fury is an epidermis modification. Its inception into the digital realm occurred on the 25th of September, 2013, courtesy of the creator bounchfx.

Skin popularity

Whilst the Tail of Fury garners considerable favor amongst aficionados, its exorbitant value results in its infrequent display within the game's milieu.

Relevant Prices for Tail of Fury

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.00

Included in set

Tail of Fury is a part of a set

Other sets for Spirit breaker

14 Total: 4 Common, 6 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 3 Mythical