Tail of the Death Charge

Tail of the Death Charge


Appearance history

The Tail of the Death Charge, an item of unassuming rarity, is presently accessible for barter.

Skin Features

Adorning the Spirit Breaker, the Tail of the Death Charge skin was ushered into the realm of the game on the 6th of November, 2013.

Skin popularity

Having graced the game's armory of late, the Tail of the Death Charge garners considerable adulation amongst the gaming fellowship.

Relevant Prices for Tail of the Death Charge

Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.

Current price
$ 0.01

Included in set

Tail of the Death Charge is a part of a set

Other sets for Spirit breaker

14 Total: 4 Common, 6 Rare, 1 Uncommon, 3 Mythical