Appearance history
Esteemed for its scarcity, The Deadly Nightshade Set is classified as Rare and occupies the 'Bundle' category in one's inventory. Presently, the ensemble is permitted for exchange.
Esteemed for its scarcity, The Deadly Nightshade Set is classified as Rare and occupies the 'Bundle' category in one's inventory. Presently, the ensemble is permitted for exchange.
Crafted as an epidermis for the Templar Assassin, The Deadly Nightshade Set made its debut in the armory on an indeterminate date, the brainchild of the artisan known as Ze Blu Spy.
While The Deadly Nightshade Set enjoys a reputation as a coveted skin among connoisseurs, its exorbitant value renders it an infrequent spectacle in the arena of combat.
Relevant prices for skin on vpesports are listed below.
22 Total: 10 Mythical, 11 Rare, 1 Uncommon